Digital Concentration Camps: How Biometrics Are Making Our Homes Virtual Prisons in Preparation for the Next “Lockdowns”


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

All visitors have to register via biometrics, such as palm scans, face scans, eye scans, etc., before they are allowed to enter. Once they enter, they are continually monitored via cameras and microphones that monitor one’s biometrics while on the premises. Anyone who approaches the premises is picked up by cameras that immediately seek to identify who the person is before allowing entrance.


Did I just describe how one visits a friend or relative who is incarcerated in a jail, prison or mental ward, or did I just describe how new “smart homes” operate?

Actually, both. And that’s the point.

The public is voluntarily surrendering their privacy for the sake of “convenience” and “security,” while not understanding that what they are trading in for these “conveniences” and illusions of “security” is the ability for government agents to lock them down in their own homes, just as they lock down prisoners in jails, hospitals, mental institutions, and other places of incarceration.

And for those of you who believe what I am writing here is an overstated “conspiracy theory,” you have very short memories.

It was just 3 years ago when most of the world was locked down in their homes all in the name of “COVID.”

COVID was simply a trial run to learn just how far the public would be willing to go to surrender their freedoms and ability to move around as a response to the fear that was being broadcast 24/7 around COVID.

The medical tyrants had tried for years, unsuccessfully, to lock down populations over fear from a deadly “virus,” including but not limited to ebolazikaswine flubird flu, and many others.

What made COVID a success, was the fact that in the metropolitan area of Wuhan, China, 50 million people voluntarily agreed to stay at home and self lock down over this alleged, “new”, coronavirus.

It was the first time this had ever happened, and it provided a blueprint for the rest of the world.

The name of the alleged “virus” was actually inconsequential. See:

Ground Zero in Wuhan: What Really Happened that Caused the World to go on Lock Down?

The news that created fear and allowed the entire world to lock down their populations, was the fact that 50 million people in a large city in China feared this “new virus” so much, that they volunteered to stay in their homes.

Later, the populations of the largest cities in China were incarcerated in their own homes by force, prompting many to commit suicide. See:

Protests, Looting, Pets Destroyed and Mass Suicides in Shanghai China as People Starve During Lockdowns

Thus, COVID became the great human experiment, with tremendous success for the medical mafia and their little political tyrants.

If you think that they would never do something like that again, then you are not living in reality.

And the next time they roll out a “new” scripted “pandemic” it will be far easier to control the masses.

This is because the main thing that has changed in the past 3 years is that the technology has rapidly advanced in biometrics, and the data on the Internet is being collated and filtered for the new AI Large Language Models (LLM), so that they can control what you are able to search for and view on the Internet as well, as you are locked down in your digital homes prisons.

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