Archbishop Viganò: The Satanic fraud of Freemasonry and the New World Order is doomed to fail


by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSite News:


(LifeSiteNews) — Allow me, dear friends, to extend my greetings to all the organizers of this new edition of your Université d’Été, in particular to the president of Civitas, Alain Escada; to the speakers, whose talks are clarifying the various aspects of the current civil and ecclesial crisis; and to the participants, who by their presence confirm the determination of good  Catholics to fight the bonum certamen under the banners of Christ the King.

These meetings of doctrinal, cultural, and social formation are the sign of an awakening of consciences and hearts: Quia hora est iam nos de somno surgere. Nunc enim propior est nostra salus, quam cum  credidimus. It  is  now  the  hour  to  wake  from  sleep,  for  our  salvation  is closer than when we first accepted the faith (Rom 13:11).

The consistency of the good

As  there is a consistency of good, so there is also a consistency of evil. The good,  a  substantial  attribute  of  God, also has its own consistency in what participates in it: the love  of the mother who prepares the snack for her children; the solicitude of the owner of the company towards his employees; the preparation of lessons by the professor; the dedication of the doctor to patients; the availability of the priest in the care of the souls entrusted to him – all of these are consistent with the good.

Even ironing a shirt, taking care of the garden, organizing a conference, and celebrating an anniversary with loved ones becomes consistent with what we are, because we behave according to what we are: Agere sequitur esse.

Those who live in the good and therefore in the true; those who “breathe” the good – from the celebrations they attend in church to interactions with their loved ones and education in the family – do not need to want to do the good, because this comes spontaneously in a good  soul. And  this is exactly what grace accomplishes in us, in making actions that are in  themselves morally neutral – or only humanly good – into virtuous works, where habit in the good becomes virtue and everything permeates our life; and in adding to actions that are good in the natural order that quid which elevates them in the supernatural order by directing them to a higher end.

On the other hand, when you love the Lord, what more beautiful and fulfilling thing can you wish for than to do His will? And what could be more motivating, in our relationships our neighbors, than to make known to them that True Holy One who is also supremely Good and Just? Bonum diffusivum sui, according to the scholastic adage: Good is in itself expansive,  prone to spread. This is demonstrated to us by the work of the Creator, who from nothing brings into existence all things, both visible and invisible. This is confirmed to us by the work of the Redeemer, who draws the rebellious man in Adam out of the abyss of offense to the divine majesty through the sacrifice of the Man‐God.

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