WHISTLEBLOWER: Biden Crime Family – Possibly Joe Biden Himself – Are Hiding Money in OFFSHORE BANK ACCOUNTS


by Cristina Laila, The Gateway Pundit:

The Biden Crime Family – and possibly Joe Biden himself – are hiding money in offshore bank accounts.

Fox News host Jesse Watters reported IRS whistleblowers have documents suggesting the Biden Crime Family has offshore bank accounts.

“With Joe [Biden], I suspect there are offshore accounts,” House Oversight Chairman James Comer said on Thursday.

James Comer also revealed that six major banks, including JP Morgan, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo, had submitted over 170 suspicious activity reports (SARs) to the Treasury Department, all concerning alleged criminal behavior by the Biden crime family.

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Fox News host Jesse Watters said sources confirmed to “Primetime” that whistleblowers have proof the Bidens have offshore bank accounts.

“Primetime” has just discovered the Biden family, possibly Joe Biden himself, has offshore bank accounts….Let that sink in. IRS whistleblowers have indicated that they have documents suggesting that the Biden family, possibly Joe Biden himself, are hiding money offshore,” Jesse Watters said.

“These IRS whistleblowers have been asked to produce the documents relating to Biden’s offshore bank accounts relating to the House Ways and Means Committee,” Watters said.

“Now, these documents can’t go to Comer. They have to go to House Ways and Means because they’re the only committee permitted to see it. Sources tell “Primetime” they have not seen the documents yet, but when they do, it goes through a vote and then the documents will be released,” Watter continued.

Jesse Watters said Joe Biden has never worked in the private sector so why the hell does he receive money through shell companies from his son Hunter.

“Joe Biden bragged for decades that he was the poorest man in the Senate. Joe Biden has never had a job in the private sector, number one. Why would Joe Biden receive money through shell companies from his son and why would Joe Biden have an offshore bank account? We’re talking about pay-your-fair-share, Amtrak Joe, the kid from Scranton, has foreign bank accounts? That doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that good old Uncle Joe Biden would have going on and why would any Biden family members have offshore bank accounts?” Watters said.

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