by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

The Washington Dumbshits are encouraging Russia to wipe out the US in a desperate act of self-preservation.

Russian lawmakers have completed an investigation into Washington’s military-related biological activities at laboratories across Ukraine on the basis of findings made public by Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops over the past year.

Washington is working on a “universal” genetically engineered bioweapon designed to cause severe damage to enemies comparable to that of a “nuclear winter,” a Russian parliamentary commission investigating US biolabs in Ukraine has concluded.

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“The United States aims to develop a universal genetically engineered biological weapon capable of infecting not only people, but animals as well as agricultural crops. Its use involves, among other things, the goal of inflicting large-scale and irreparable economic damage on the enemy,” the commission wrote in its final report.

“The covert and targeted use of such a weapon in anticipation of a positive inevitable direct military confrontation could create a significant advantage for US forces over the adversary, even against those who possess other types of weapons of mass destruction,” the commission added. “The possession of such highly effective biological weapons creates, in the view of the US military, the real prerequisites to change the nature of contemporary armed conflicts.”


The question is: what is Putin going to do?  Is he going to sit on his butt as in Ukraine and let the threat to Russia widen, or will he decide to protect Russia from the Satanic Evil in Washington?  At some point even a liberal Kremlin will realize that there is no mutual security to be had with a country committed to Russia’s destruction.

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