The Pandemic of Lies


by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • In early 2023, Del Bigtree, founder and CEO of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), gave a speech about the pandemic of lies, and how truth is winning
  • According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, placebo-controlled safety studies of vaccines have never been done because it would be “unethical” to conduct such studies, as children in the control group would be deprived of the protection that vaccines provide. It’s a circular argument that begins with a pure assumption, namely that vaccines are safe, which has never been studied


  • Heidi Larson, an anthropologist who served on the World Health Organization’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy, in December 2019 admitted that mass vaccination of children has “shifted the human population to dependency on vaccine-induced immunity,” and that this strategy was always based on “the great assumption that populations would cooperate”
  • According to Larson, the world is now in a “very fragile state,” because once the Baby Boomer generation dies, the human population will have no natural immunity against infectious diseases
  • Despite the largest, most comprehensive propaganda campaign in history, the globalists failed to achieve their target COVID jab rate of 80% to 90%, as a “meaningful minority” refused to comply. And because this meaningful minority refused to shut up, the percentage of people waking up to the truth about vaccine hazards is growing exponentially

The video above features a lecture that Del Bigtree gave in early 2023 in California. Bigtree is the founder and CEO of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) and hosts the internet talk show “The Highwire.”

When the COVID pandemic hit, “antivaxxers” were suddenly named as one of the Top 10 health threats worldwide. That’s when Bigtree realized we were really getting somewhere, and public trust in Big Pharma and our health authorities has continued to dwindle since then, as more and more truth is getting out.

“What I can prove is what matters to me, and what I’m really obsessed with is putting Tony Fauci and Deborah Birx and all the rest of these people in prison,” he says.

“So what I’m going to lay out for you today is sort of my court case on what took place here, and why I believe we will win a case of ‘crimes against humanity.’ This is our best case going forward.”

Bigtree’s Background

Bigtree got his start in journalism as an Emmy Award-winning producer on the CBS TV show “The Doctors,” where he focused on “outing” dangerous drugs and toxins like Monsanto’s RoundUp weedkiller.

In his speech, he tells the story of how he ended up leaving CBS and joining a team that was working on “Vaxxed,” a documentary by Dr. Andrew Wakefield that featured a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention whistleblower named Dr. William Thompson, who admitted the agency had covered up evidence linking the MMR vaccine with autism among Black infant boys.

After finishing “Vaxxed,” Bigtree founded ICAN to continue his investigation into medical fraud. He brought attorney Aaron Siri onboard, and started suing the CDC, the Food and Drug Administration, the Department of Health and Human Services and the National Institutes of Health to get to the truth about what these agencies do and do not know about vaccine safety.

They kept winning cases, but none of the mainstream media outlets were reporting about these cases. So, Bigtree launched “The Highwire” to fill that void and report on things that MSM refuse to discuss, such as the fact that as the childhood vaccination schedule has expanded, the health of American children has plummeted.

‘Greatest Decline in Human Health in Recorded History’

Bigtree says:

“America’s kids are 70% more likely to die before adulthood than kids in other rich countries. We suck at what we do here. If health is what we’re going for, we are underachieving in a major way. And … we’re one of the most vaccinated nations in the world …

In 1986, prior to giving [drug companies] liability protection, we were getting about 11 vaccines by the time we were 18 years old … By 2017, they were getting 54 vaccines by the time they’re 18 years old. And remember, some of these have three different components in them. So technically, it’s about 72 vaccines by the time you’re 18.

If we had the healthiest kids in the world, if they were living longer than they’d ever lived, if they were the healthiest generation we’d ever seen, then what argument is there? But the opposite was the case. When we were getting 11 vaccines, 12.8% of American kids had a lifelong on chronic illness.

Once it shot up to 54 vaccines, we hit 54%. Fifty-four percent of America’s kids have a permanent chronic illness, either a neurological disorder or an autoimmune disease. Folks, that is the greatest decline in human health in recorded history …

[N]ot a single vaccine on the childhood [vaccination] schedule was ever tested against a placebo … They basically just tested it against a different vaccine that had never established safety … Do you know that they’re working on an mRNA flu shot? And they’re saying it’s got to be safe because they proved that the COVID vaccine was safe? … It’s exactly how they’ve always done this.”

When Bigtree, Siri and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. confronted Dr. Anthony Fauci about the lack of placebo-controlled studies, Fauci argued that it would be “unethical” to conduct such studies, because children in the control group would be deprived of the protection that vaccines provide. It’s a circular argument that begins with a pure assumption, namely that vaccines are safe, which has never been studied.

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