Slave State Intensifies: Conscription In Ukraine Prompts Fear


by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

The ever-expanding slave system on this planet is getting more and more oppressive. Ukrainians are now living in fear as conscription has arrived. The ruling class desperately needs people willing to do its bidding and fight and kill upon command or its entire premise crumbles.

Right now, Ukrainians are just living in fear, instead of saying: “No, we refuse to do immoral things to other human beings who have not harmed us in any way.”

The Science of Fear: How The Elitists Use it to Control Us & How to Break Free


As Ukraine’s manpower on its frontlines starts to dwindle, military leaders are becoming increasingly desperate to locate new recruits to propel its counteroffensive against Russia forward; however, the number of young people volunteering for such a challenge has plummeted. Perhaps humanity is finally waking up to what government truly is and has always been: slavery. Conscription is absolute proof we live under a slave system.

If someone else has a higher claim over your life or property than you do, you are their slave. It’s a simple concept, yet one the ruling class hopes we never figure out.

The brutal and forceful mobilization by Ukrainian military recruitment officers of young men has been occurring for a year and a half now, Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet reports. “Many conscripted men are taken straight off the street by uniformed men,” it states. “Most recently in Subcarpathia, a surveillance camera recorded the overreach of the authorities as a man trying to go to a store was kidnapped from his bicycle in broad daylight.”

The video below shows footage of a young man being pushed against his will into a burgundy army minibus in Mukachevo, Transcarpathia.

Similar videos have been posted from other major cities across Ukraine, including Kyiv and Odesa. There are reports that people are no going out at all to avoid contact with those who will kidnap them and try to force them to fight in a war the ruling class started.

“Many young people no longer leave their homes. There’s always a risk. You have to be really careful and look around in case there’s any danger. It’s really stressful,” said one young Ukrainian man in an interview with broadcaster France 24. “Why don’t young people want to be drafted into the army? Because they know the price of holding the frontlines. It costs thousands of lives,” he added.

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