Doctor Warns EU Govt ‘Millions Killed For Profit’ And ‘COVID Was State Sponsored Genocide’ As Huge Blood Clots Killing People via Heart Attacks And Strokes Proven By Graphic Video


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

While I had surely hoped that by now, in July of 2023, I’d be done writing stories about COVID and ‘the vax,’ as we’ll explore in this story, that’s quite impossible with the ‘effects‘ of that ‘vax‘ being seen more and more every day, all across America, and all around the world, as seen in all of the heartbreaking videos we’ve embedded in this story telling the sad stories of countless young and previously healthy people ‘dying suddenly,’ mysteriously and unexpectedly, with a HUGE NUMBER of professional and amateur athletes experiencing such deaths in just the last few months alone.


As Dr. William Makis reports in this story republished over at Global Researchblood clots have been a major problem with all COVID-19 vaccines, including Pfizer and Moderna. With Dr. Makis writing several different substack articles about people who have died because of this huge and still-growing problem over the past several months, this story will be heavy on video reports about this tragedy as they’re the best way of telling these alarming stories that absolutely must be told, especially with the mainstream media still largely ‘hands off‘ about this still-unfolding genocide they’re clearly covering up.

And when the MSM does report upon them, they’ll attempt to spin them to their own liking, such as heard in this linked video reporting the msm now pushing the narrative that ‘blood clots are normal,‘ though we certainly can’t remember any such point in our lifetimes where so many young and healthy people all across the planet have been killed by them via the strokes & heart attacks they cause. Can you?

So while some may think huge blood clots in the ‘vaxxed‘ are some kind of ‘crazy conspiracy theory,’ if you know someone like that, please be sure to show them the very short video we’ve embedded directly below as an ‘eye opener,’ though we’ll quickly admit it’s quite graphic and for some people might be very difficult to watch. As the title explains, a Fully Vaxxed Man Comes Home From Surgery Sees His Wound Open Up And Spew Huge Clots! You have been forewarned.

According to this June 24th story over at Zero Hedge, based on data from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities which was revealed in this linked report (pdf), since February 2020, there have been more than 96,540 excess deaths involving ‘cardiovascular conditions‘ in the UK since then.

With ‘cardiovascular conditions‘ being an umbrella term that covers an entire range of heart and blood vessel conditions, including heart attacks and strokes, that comes out to OVER 500 ‘additional deaths’ every week from some kind of ‘cardiovascular disease‘ over the past 3 1/2 years in the UK, making us wonder just how many such deaths are happening every week here in the ‘good ole USA‘.

Because as this July 5th story over at Sunfellow Notes points out in alarming detail, mysterious blood clots like the ones seen in the video above are now being reported in huge numbers of dead bodies by embalmers and pathologists, with such blood clots cluttering the arteries and veins, and hearts and brains, of many of the deceased.

Reporting that the dead bodies of vaccinated people are filled with unnatural clots of fibrous materials, with many of those victims reported to have died from heart attacks and strokes, as that story also interestingly points out, some of the dead with massive clots HAD NOT been ‘vaxxed,’ but it was proven they had received blood transfusions from ‘vaccinated’ people. Oh what a mess the globalists have caused. Quite briefly, from that story we see what cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough is now warning of; we now have very blunt and overwhelming proof that ‘the vax‘ is killing people.

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