An Above Ground Pool Latest Addition to Seattle Homeless Encampment


by Elaine Mallon, Breitbart:

An above ground pool with a couple of balls floating on top is the latest addition to a homeless encampment in Seattle, Washington.

Footage taken by KOMO News shows the blow-up pool surrounded by wood panels with several lounge chairs nearby. A woman is also seen sitting on a couch doing drugs.


“All of this is ludicrous,” Herb Egge, who lives in senior apartments across from the encampment, told KOMO. “These people come in and totally trash the place. Someone told me they hooked up a hose and filled a swimming pool with it.”

The encampment is located along the freeway between Myers Way and SR 509 — in Highland Park. Egge said it’s grown from a couple of RVs to more than 15.

The Associated Press

Tents line the sidewalk on SW Clay Street in Portland, Oregon, on December 9, 2020. (AP Photo/Craig Mitchelldyer)

The 77-year-old said he has had his car broken into several times and someone even drilled into his gas tank.

Other senior residents reported hearing gunshots coming from the encampment, and in May a man was found killed after the outlet reported residents’ concerns of violence.

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