Space Force General Gives Blistering Speech At Pentagon Pride Event Slamming More Than 400 Anti-LGBTQ State-Level Bills She Claims Are Forcing Her To Hire ‘Less Qualified’ Candidates


from Great Game India:

Space Force General Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt gave a speech at a Pentagon Pride event, slamming more than 400 anti-LGBTQ state-level bills. She claimed that these bills were forcing her to hire ‘less qualified’ candidates.

A high-ranking Space Force officer has spoken out slamming a slew of recent anti-LGBTQ state laws, saying they have a negative impact on military families and force readiness.


Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt made the remarks in a fiery speech at the 12th Annual DoD LGBTQ+ Pride Event in Washington DC, saying that the laws sometimes forced her to choose ‘less qualified’ candidates for postings in those states.

‘Since January of this year, more than 400 anti-LGBTQ+ laws have been introduced at the state level,’ said Burt, the Space Force’s deputy chief of space operations.

‘That number is rising and demonstrates a trend that could be dangerous for service members, their families, and the readiness of the force as a whole,’ the general added.

Burt explained that in some cases, the most qualified candidate for a transfer or promotion might be passed over, if the laws in the state of the new posting could negatively impact them or their families.

A high-ranking Space Force officer has spoken out slamming a slew of recent anti-LGBTQ state laws, saying they have a negative impact on military families and force readiness 

The general explained: ‘When I look at potential candidates, say, for squadron command, I strive to match the right person to the right job.

‘I consider their job performance and relevant experience first. However, I also look at their personal circumstances, and their family is also an important factor.

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