His Majesty King Charles III And London’s Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan Activate A Doomsday ‘Climate Clock’ Set To Go Off In The Next 6 Years


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

King Charles III and London Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan on Wednesday activated a ‘climate clock’ warning there are about 6 years left to limit global warming.

As I type this, I wonder if King Charles III is a regular reader of NTEB, and could it be possible he has gotten a tad jealous over all the attention we give Emmanuel Macron about possibly being the Antichrist? I say that because over the past two or three years. King Charles III has been doing some very ‘man of sin’-worthy things. Take this new Climate Clock that he and the Muslim mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, just activated. It has dystopian doomsday written all over it, as well as a liberal helping of Bible prophecy to go with it. Everyone is so concerned about time, our time here is almost up, and their time about to begin.

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King Charles III recently was awarded his own category section on our NTEB site, and to achieve that honor, your really need to be working to further the advancement of the end times timeline that the Bible is concerned about. The thing that propelled him into his own category was the climate speech he gave, when as yet still prince, where he alluded to the ‘trillions of dollars’ that must be given to an unnamed man who would then use it to conduct a ‘military-style campaign’ to save the world from climate destruction. Don’t kid me, man, I know the book of Daniel when I hear references to it, even veiled ones.

King Charles III Activates ‘Climate Clock’ – Warns There is 6 Years Left to Limit Global Warming

FROM THE GATEWAY PUNDIT: More like 6 years left until global Communism, New World Order, and a one world currency.

“Today with His Majesty King Charles III we launched the Climate Clock — a visual reminder of the urgency of the climate crisis. The climate emergency poses a threat not only to the future of our city but to the future of our world and that is why it must remain a key priority.” Sadiq Khan said.

King Charles and London Mayor Sadiq Khan have launched a National Climate Clock, which warns there is just six years left for the world to limit global warning.

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