Legal Researcher For Senator Ron Johnson Warns ‘Brutal Global Mass Murder Program Was Fully Intentional’ And A ‘Biomedical Police State Kill Box’ Is Now Fully Established


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

The stories over at Substack the last several days from numerous different authors are absolutely alarming and tell a story that must be told considering the mainstream media won’t touch these with a 50-foot pole and instead, are helping the anti-America terrorists/squatters sitting in the White House, Congress and the Pentagon wage a deadly war upon the American people, now aimed at your children and mine.


With a recent study published on the website Nature reporting a major scientific journal had just published research linking ‘the vax‘ to untreatable eyeball blood clots, finding that those who’d been ‘vaxxed‘ were at significantly greater risk of developing blood clots than ‘the unvaxxed,’ while according to this story at the COVID blog, new research has found thousands of ‘vaxxed‘ patients are finding their skin to be quite literally ‘melting off,’ ‘baffling‘ doctors, those stories prove why it’s no wonder ‘vaccines‘ of the past were tested for years and years, and even decades sometimes, before they were given to ‘the people,’ unlike this ‘death shot‘ that was haphazardly rolled out and injected into the masses in ‘warp speed‘.

As Steve Kirsch reports in this new story over at Substack, the COVID vaccines have an estimated death rate MORE THAN 1,000 higher than the acceptable safe limit, but nobody at the FDA or the CDC, or within the United States government, cares about that. The real story is that an estimated 80% or more of the vaccines examined in this study are too deadly to be usedHere’s the data showing that.

And with two must-read stories over at Bailiwick News at Substack, one titled “Construction of the Kill Box: Legal History,” with the 2nd one titled “mRNA-LNP compounds are cellular genetic dirty bombs,” laying it all on the line, we’re warned what we’ve witnessed the last several years, continuing to this day, is nothing less than a US military operation upon the American people, a biomedical police state kill box system forced upon us, where genetic cell poisons were falsely presented to and injected into the world’s people as medicinal products.

Called a “brutal global mass murder program that is fully intentional,” also warning within this story that Widespread fear, confusion, despair, sickening and death are not, as many would prefer to believe, ‘unintended consequences,‘” we’re warned that the research done by author Katherine Watt has found this ‘killing program‘ dates back at least 60 years, and includes: religious, psychological, behavioral, biochemical, social, economic, political, financial, monetary and military elementshiding behind lies about the source and purpose of human life and procreative potential; population-carrying capacity; resource use; climate; scientific and technological aptitude; human disease; and human health.

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