by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:
Some things seem to happen very rapidly. Perhaps too rapidly for circumstantial relevance proving the adage that NOTHING happens in politics by happenstance. If it happens, it was planned that way. Of course the old quote by FDR is brought up when that idea is in focus, and the full quote is “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” And also “of course”, the left seems to want to play with any truthfulness of things and so they wrote that this quote is not real, that the actual words were “Yes, we are on our way back— not just by pure chance, my friends, not just by a turn of the wheel, of the cycle. We are coming back more soundly than ever before because we are planning it that way. Don’t let anybody tell you differently.” I do not care enough to figure out what is real with these, they both say close enough to the point I wish to make.