Thursday, March 6, 2025

Tag: The “Soft Landing” Lie: A Global Economic Slowdown Is Already Underway

The “Soft Landing” Lie: A Global Economic Slowdown Is Already Underway

by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:

If people have learned anything from the past few years of Ivy League elites and TV talking heads feeding them economic predictions, I hope they finally understand that the “experts” are usually wrong and that alternative analysts have a far better track record. Whenever establishment economists make a a call the opposite generally turns out to be true.

By extension, alternative economic predictions are usually well ahead of the curve – What we talk about might be labeled “doom mongering” or “conspiracy theory” today. In three years or less it will be treated as common knowledge and the mainstream “experts” will claim that they “saw it coming all along” while taking credit for financial calls they never made.