by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:
The use of artificial intelligence in law enforcement presents growing concerns with the expansion of mass surveillance.
(The Rundown Live) It’s no secret that in 2024 the American police state already acts with wanton disregard for most civil liberties. From the county level all the way up to the federal, one of the most discounted constitutional rights of the American citizen is that of privacy.
To put it frankly, we are being spied on all the time. And it is happening with ever increasing frequency. We all know this. The existence of illegal mass surveillance programs hasn’t been a secret for over a decade, since government contractor Edward Snowden came forward as a whistleblower to reveal the NSA’s PRISM program in which millions of innocent Americans had their private data illegally swept up in an intelligence dragnet. And yet it is still one of the most blatant violations of basic rights that is widely known and simultaneously brushed aside by the citizenry.