Sunday, March 2, 2025

Tag: The Loss Of Political Trust Have Democrats Riding A Thermonuclear Implosion And The Media Just Experienced A Staggering Crisis Of Trust From Those That Still Believed Their Fake News

The Loss Of Political Trust Have Democrats Riding A Thermonuclear Implosion And The Media Just Experienced A Staggering Crisis Of Trust From Those That Still Believed Their Fake News

by Douglas Schwartz, All News Pipeline:

Trump’s epitaph must include credit for injecting “fake news” into the lexicon.  You are reading these words via alternative media born in response to the industrialization of fake news.  The news business is zero-sum.  Every lost NY Times or Washington Post subscriber becomes a Twitter, YouTube, Rumble, Gateway Pundit, etc. viewer.  The industry just experienced a staggering crisis of trust over the Biden coverup.

The overall financial implications of continuous erosion of trust in government have yet to be grasped.  For homework, online search: fake+u.s.+government+economic+statistics.   Especially significant will be the coming de facto credit downgrading resulting from the Biden fiasco.  Credit is from the Latin credere, to believe.  Biden shines a spotlight on government/media lies of all flavors, awakening creditors to our extreme government trust deficit.