Sunday, March 2, 2025

Tag: The ‘Genocide Jab’ And Artificial Life Forms

Absolute Proof The US Govt Continues Evil Experimentation Upon Humanity As Scientists Warn Of Undeniable Link Between Morgellons Disease, The ‘Genocide Jab’ And Artificial Life Forms

by Kathleen Gotto, All News Pipeline:

– The Masterminds Behind The Tragic Consequences Of ‘Playing God’ Must Be Held Accountable

In two previous stories from this author here and here, mention was made of the condition called “Morgellons” and the possibility that it could somehow be related to the COVID-19 global disaster of death and injury.

Clifford Carnicom, prolific scientific researcher and founder of the Carnicom Institute, has come out to unequivocally state that there is a definite link between what had been previously characterized as “Morgellons” and what is now recognized and known in scientific and medical fields as Cross-Domain Bacteria (CDB) hereherehere. He established an historical record of Morgellons/CDB going back 25 or 30 years with meticulously documented research, including 400 articles he wrote on his findings. These scientific articles are available for anyone to study.