by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:
With Charles & Kate (and other royals) down with sudden cancers, and Elizabeth & Philip having both “died suddenly” (and so has Jacob Rothschild!), it’s not so clear who’s really “in” and who is NOT
Since “COVID” started, and some of us could clearly see that certain prominent Covidians, while pushing masks on all the rest of us, weren’t wearing them off-camera (Andrew Cuomo, Dr. Fauci, Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Dr. Kieran Moore in Canada), while others pushing lockdown on the rest of us weren’t locking down themselves (e.g., Chris Cuomo, Niel Ferguson, Matt Hancock, Dominic Cummings); and then we saw that some who made a big show of their “COVID shots” seemed to be faking it (e.g., Dr. Fauci, Justin Trudeau, possibly Joe Biden)—since all such signs of “COVID privilege” gave the game away, betraying what appears to be a whopping double standard, many of us have invoked George Carlin’s famous bit on the vast gap between those on high, across the board, and all the rest of us.