Sunday, March 2, 2025

Tag: LAWSUIT: Swing State Commission Appoints ZERO Republican Election Inspectors in Hundreds of Precincts

LAWSUIT: Swing State Commission Appoints ZERO Republican Election Inspectors in Hundreds of Precincts

by Jack Montgomery, The National Pulse:

The Republican National Committee (RNC), Michigan GOP, and Wayne County Republican committees in the Wolverine State are suing the Election Commission of the City of Detroit, alleging they have violated state law by appointing a grossly disproportionate share of Democratic versus Republican election inspectors. The lawsuit states that there are no Republican poll watchers in hundreds of precincts.

State election law stipulates that election commissioners must ” appoint at least 1 election inspector from each major political party and shall appoint an equal number, as nearly as possible, of election inspectors in each election precinct from each major political party.” However, according to the RNC, the authorities in Detroit have appointed 7.5 Democrat election inspectors for every Republican. In Wayne County, 202 of 335 precincts have no Republican poll watchers at all.