Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tag: If Gen Z Cannot Handle Basic Adulthood To The Point Where They ‘Freeze In Horror’ When The Phone Rings

If Gen Z Cannot Handle Basic Adulthood To The Point Where They ‘Freeze In Horror’ When The Phone Rings, And Are Scared to Check Email, They Will Never Survive When SHTF

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

In December 2019, ANP published a piece about how “higher education” aka American colleges were failing, not just because students needed safe spaces, trigger warnings, and coloring books and puppies when a conservative or pro-life speaker visited the campus, but because the universities were so derelict in their duty to prepare students for life after college, they needed “adulting 101 classes” after graduating.

Between snowflake parenting, and liberal activist college professors, graduates didn’t know how to handle finances, job interviews, shopping, eating, cooking, doing laundry or using basic tools.