Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Tag: Democrats

Democrats, Republicans Panic As Trump Brings World To Brink Of Peace

from The Babylon Bee:

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The reign of terror perpetrated by the Trump administration looked to continue this week, with Democrats and Republicans alike going into panic as President Donald Trump looked to bring the world to the brink of peace.

Just over three weeks into his term, Trump reported that he had spoken to both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to initiate negotiations and finally bring much-needed peace to the region, causing American politicians to sound the alarm.

The Bret Baier and Kamala interview was an interesting October surprise

by Dr. Steve LaTulippe, America Outloud:

Vindictiveness and hate were not the reasons my smile turned into overt joy as I watched the Baier-Harris interview unfold. My love for God and country was rewarded by seeing Kamala broadcast to the world just how radically dark and sinister her heart really is. She meant this to be an all-out Trump bashing session, but she had no glue to make her lying trash stick to the Fox media wall. Once again, what she meant for evil turned out for much good. Her every response drilled a gaping hole in the hull of her already listing ship.

Greg Gutfeld SHREDS Fake News for Ignoring Report on 13,000 Killer Migrants Inside US Thanks To Kamala, Democrats

from The Gateway Pundit:


Sorry, Democrats, the Silent Trump Vote is Real!

by John Kudla, American Thinker:

The 2024 election is just a few weeks away.  This means we are nearing the end of election propaganda, commercials, gaslighting, and talking heads offering their biased opinions on anything that might give their candidate an edge.  That goes for me, too.

The turmoil caused by the Democrat coup against the Artful Dodger, Joe Biden, and the RFK Jr. endorsement of Donald Trump has mostly passed.

My take on Kamala Harris is she is an attractive, well-credentialed woman with a bubbly, outgoing personality.  She appears to have used her personality to attract the attention of powerful Democrat politicians, who have been instrumental in helping her win elections.

Democrats, Liberal Media Suddenly Discover Soros & Co. Are Funding Radical Left Causes Dragging Biden Down

by Haily Gomez, The Daily Caller:

Some Democrats and liberal media outlets appear to be discovering the connection between big Biden donors funding radical left causes, including the pro-Palestine protests seen across the U.S., which are now coming back to bite President Joe Biden as he seeks re-election in November.

A new report from Politico Sunday revealed that donors like Bill Gates, George Soros, David Rockefeller Jr., and Nick Pritzker are supporting organizations like Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow, which have been responsible for many of the protests at college campuses. These groups, according to the outlet, are funded by the Tides Foundation which is funded by Soros and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

To Cut “Greenhouse Gases,” EPA Doles Out Dollars to Groups Tied to Biden, Democrats

by Michael Tennant, The New American:

Three organizations closely associated with the Biden administration and the Democratic Party were awarded $14 billion by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Thursday.

The EPA announced the first recipients of grants from the $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), a creation of the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Of the $20 billion doled out Thursday, Climate United got $7 billion, the Coalition for Green Capital (CGC) received $5 billion, and Power Forward Communities (PFC) pocketed $2 billion.

According to the Daily Caller, “Each of the three organizations are [sic] planning to route at least 50% of their investments to ‘low-income and disadvantaged communities,’ in line with the Biden administration’s ‘Justice40’ commitment to ensure that at least 40% of the benefits of climate-related spending flows to such communities to pursue ‘environmental justice.’”