Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Tag: Deep State Needs Nuke War to Cover Up Dirty Deeds – Steve Quayle

Deep State Needs Nuke War to Cover Up Dirty Deeds – Steve Quayle

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle has been warning of very hard times coming for America.  The CV19 bioweapon/vax continues to disable and kill.  The U.S. dollar tanks under massive debt while the BRICS ready a new global currency.  The skies are poisoned by geoengineering every day, but all these pale compared to the coming nuclear war that the Deep State wants and needs.  Quayle says, “Obama has just reappeared on the world scene again.  Remember, he said, ‘America is the greatest nation in the world, and we intend to change all of that.’  Do you like what you see in the cities?  Why do they need World War III?  They need to scorch and burn all remembrance of all their dirty deeds. . . . We have actively declared war on Russia.  In essence, we are at war with Russia right now.  We are moving nuclear capable F-16s, B-2 bombers and all the things in America’s bag of tricks is being positioned in the Eastern block nations such as Poland.  They have the idea we are going to fight a ground war against Russia and defeat them.  President Putin said recently that we know you have more tanks, ammo and etc., but we have our nuclear weapons.  So, you cannot win a sonic war against a hypersonic opponent.  I am talking about the entire Russian ability . . . they have full spectrum dominance. . . . The United States is so far behind. . . . They need nuclear war because they need to cover up the biggest crimes in history.”