by Karen Schoen, America Outloud:
Over the years, we become familiar with the true goals of the Globalists/World Economic Forum(WEF)/ United Nations (UN)/ United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and multiple NGOs in partnership with Microsoft to destroy Western culture. As we learn about their sinister plans, they change their name.
The master plan is always Agenda 21, the plan to own and control every aspect of human activity. This plan was created in the 1930s by the introduction of communism to America. By the late 1980s, with technology in place, the implementation of world domination was ready. The schools were tackled first as individualism was replaced with collectivism, facts were replaced with emotion, and education was replaced with training. George Bush 41 and Nancy Pelosi signed onto Agenda 21 and introduced “A New World Order” to the nation through Congress. Bush signed EO 12803, enabling foreign entities to “buy” a piece of America. He had no right to sell what he didn’t own. Open borders promoting illegal immigration without assimilation would ensure the demise of America.