Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Tag: Business As Usual: The American police state will continue to spread its wings whether the government is shut down or not

Business As Usual: The American police state will continue to spread its wings whether the government is shut down or not

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

Author and veteran constitutional attorney John Whitehead is one of my heroes. Why? Because, unlike many commentators, essayists, journalists, etc., Whitehead doesn’t pull his punches. He’s a realist who gives the whole truth about America, not just bits and pieces of truth interspersed with nuggets of false hope about a coming human messiah.

Whitehead understands that one man or woman, even if well-intentioned, isn’t going to turn America around. Not in four years. Not in eight years.

Most of what we see and hear in the media about what is going on in Washington is mere theater meant to keep the masses divided and distracted. Whitehead gives us a strong dose of realism in the article below. While reading it, keep in mind that at the same time the regime in Washington is opening the borders to create more crime and chaos, which it then uses to justify its continued building of an American police state, it is also working around the clock to think up new ways to harass and disarm law-abiding American gun owners. Their ultimate goal is a police state ruling over a disarmed population.