Florida Officially Bans Bill Gates’ Lab Grown Meat: “Take Your Carcinogenic Frankenfood Elsewhere”


by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has banned the production and sale of Bill Gates’ carcinogenic lab-grown meat in Florida.

Under the new law, anyone who sells or produces Gates’ synthetic meat will be subject to arrest and criminal prosecution.

After signing the bill, DeSantis said that his aim was to protect his state’s “vibrant agricultural industry” against the globalist elites who want to destroy traditional agriculture.

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“What we’re protecting here is the industry against acts of man, against an ideological agenda that wants to finger agriculture as the problem, that uses things like raising cattle as destroying our climate,” DeSantis said.

Infowars.com reports: “This will be people who will lecture the rest of us about things like global warming, they will say you can’t drive an internal combustion vehicle, they will say agriculture is bad, meanwhile, they’re flying to Davos in their private jets.”

Three other states are also mulling over similar legislation: Alabama, Arizona and Tennessee.

There are also already regulations at the federal and state level preventing manufacturers of lab-grown meat from calling their products meat and requiring them to label their products as lab-grown.

Lab-grown meat and other “alternative proteins” like “plant-based meat” and insects are pillars of the new climate-friendly diets of the future. A transition to a future without traditional animal products is advocated by governments and NGOs like the UN and World Economic Forum, as well as corporations, asset funds, the scientific and medical establishment, and eco-conscious celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert Downey Junior.

Florida resident Jeff Bezos, for example, “pumped $60 million into making lab-grown meat taste better,” according to a new report from Fortune.

Despite its status as an official “food of the future,” lab-grown meat has been dogged by persistent scandals and suggestions that the product will fail to live up to its hype, may not be scalable and could even be significantly worse for the environment than the animal products it is intended to replace.

In February, a devastating New York Times guest essay called lab-grown meat “The Revolution That Died on Its Way to Dinner.”

“Interviews with almost 60 industry investors and insiders, including many who have been employed by or been part of the leadership teams of these companies, reveal a litany of squandered resources, broken promises and unproven science,” author Joe Fassler wrote.

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