Antisemitism Is a Logical and Rational Reaction to Jewish Behaviour


by Pierre Simon, The Unz Review:

Facts are threatening to those invested in fraud

DaShanne Stokes

Antisemitism used to mean “someone who doesn’t like Jews,” but nowadays it means “someone that Jews don’t like for some reason or another.” The deliberate trick here is to make you think there is something wrong not with the Jewish baby killers, liars, or scum who are doing bad things but with the person noticing and reacting to the bad things these miscreants are doing.


So, what are the bad things that most people notice about Jews? Before naming and defining the most important ones, let’s first find out what Jews themselves say about antisemitism. Is it a rational and logical reaction to Jewish behaviour? Or is it, as most Jews claim, an irrational hatred of a totally harmless people who have been the innocent victims of human jealousy, vindictiveness, and persecution since the beginning of time?

Theodore Herzl, the Jewish father of Zionism, believed that hostility towards Jews was a natural consequence of their behaviour:

This perfectly understandable reaction follows from the defects of the Jews… The Jews are a people distinct and separate from others, whose interests are different, and often in conflict with those of the peoples among whom they live.[1]

A fact shared by Chaim Weizmann, the first president of the State of Israel:

Whenever in a country the number of Jews reaches a certain level of saturation, that country reacts against them… Now, this reaction is not antisemitism in the ordinary or vulgar sense of the word, but a universal social and economic consequence of Jewish immigration; it is impossible to ignore it.[2]

“It seemed to me,” writes Bernard Lazare, the Jewish author of the book Antisemitism, its History and Causes,

that an opinion as universal as antisemitism, having flourished in all places and at all times, before the Christian era and after, in Alexandria, Rome, Antioch, Arabia, and Persia, in medieval and modern Europe, in a word, in all parts of the world where there have been and where there are Jews, it seemed to me that such an opinion could not be the result of a whim and a perpetual caprice, and that there must be deep and serious reasons for its blossoming and its permanence.[3]

In his book The Sacred Chain. A History of the Jews, Jewish historian Dr. Norman F. Cantor, states the following:

It must be recognized, as it is rarely in the histories of the Jews, that [the] expressed resentment and indictments against the Jews were not entirely fictitious libels or maliciously revived and activated stereotypes simply disseminated by paranoid hate merchants from the grab bag of the antisemitic premodern past. There was just enough empirical truth in these negatives, overblown, and over-generated images to give them persuasive force.[4]

Jewish writer, publisher, and entrepreneur, Samuel Roth is pretty straight forward:

There is not a single instance when the Jews have not fully deserved the bitter fruit of the fury of their persecutors… We come to the nations pretending to escape persecution, we [Jews] are the deadliest persecutors in all the wretched annals of man.[5]

Now that we have established with sufficient certainty that antisemitism is a logical rational reaction to Jewish behaviour, let’s look into some of the most common causes of antisemitism?

Enemies of Humanity

This is without a doubt a major cause of antisemitism, even more so since the Jews of Israel, supported by the vast majority of the Jewish diaspora that’s colonizing and controlling Western countries, are committing genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, in front of the whole world, with a cruelty and determination that knows no bounds.

Never in the history of mankind has a race of people gone so quickly from being exceptional victims to exceptional murderers determined to exterminate the Palestinians under the pretext of recreating their homeland, the biblical Israel, an entity that never existed in the first place.

Palestine was never the homeland of the Jews. Biblical accounts are not supported by historical or archaeological discoveries.[6] “It’s a romantic fantasy,”[7] admits Jewish historian Norman F. Cantor in his book on Jewish history, The Sacred Chain. “The whole notion of Israel and its history is a literary fiction,” says Professor Thomas Thompson in his book The Mythic Past: Biblical Archeology and the Myth of Israel.[8]

The glorious kingdom of David and Solomon, the promised land stretching from the Euphrates to the Nile that Zionists claim to want to recreate, is a total fabrication. Solomon and his kingdom are a delusion. Jerusalem was never the capital of Israel. Modern archaeology has completely demolished these myths.[9] As Laurent Guyénot says in his book Our God is your God too, but he Has chosen us. Essays on Jewish Power,

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