SURPRISE! Pro-Hamas Road Blockers Being Bailed Out by Organizations Funded by George Soros


by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit:

Mobs of crazed, pro-Hamas lefties have been blocking traffic this week in various parts of the country this week, shutting down bridges and blocking access to air ports.

As usual, very few of them are being arrested or prosecuted for this terrorism, but those who are held accountable are being bailed out.

Where is the bail money coming from? Organizations funded by George Soros, naturally.


From the Washington Free Beacon:

Left-Wing Dark Money Behemoth Behind Bail Fund for ‘Free Palestine’ Bridge Blockers

Scores of “Free Palestine” protesters across the United States took to the streets Monday to block major airports, highways, and bridges. Those who are arrested will receive bail money and legal support from a left-wing dark money behemoth funded by George Soros, an online fundraising page shows.

The protests, which took place in dozens of U.S. cities including San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia, were organized by A15 Action, a newly formed group that worked to “coordinate a multi-city economic blockade on April 15 in solidarity with Palestine.” The group’s website directs users to a “bail and legal defense fund” hosted through ActBlue, the Democratic Party’s online fundraising juggernaut.

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