Ukraine at “Serious Risk” of Losing War, Warns Top Ex-General


by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

Pessimism has gripped the population.

Ukraine is at “serious risk” of having to admit defeat to Russia this year, according to the former commander of the UK’s Joint Forces Command.

General Sir Richard Barrons, the former head of Strategic Command (StratCom), issued the warning during an interview with the BBC.

Barrons said that pessimism is starting to set in amongst the population, generating a general malaise and a feeling that Ukraine “can’t win.”


“And when it gets to that point, why will people want to fight and die any longer, just to defend the indefensible?” Barrons asked.

Despite deploying massive resources and manpower to try to seize back territory, Ukraine has been largely unsuccessful, and an expected Russian summer offensive could mark the beginning of the end, according to Barrons.

“At some point this summer, we expect to see a major Russian offensive, with the intent of doing more than smash forward with small gains to perhaps try and break through the Ukrainian lines,” he asserted.

The former general warned that Russia has a five to one advantage in terms of artillery and ammunition, as well as superior troop numbers who are ensuring the Ukrainian frontline in the east of the country is being “battered away.”

“And if that happens we would run the risk of Russian forces breaking through and then exploiting into areas of Ukraine where the Ukrainian armed forces cannot stop them,” said Barrons.

As we highlighted earlier this month, State Department consultant Edward Luttwak said that NATO countries will have to send soldiers to Ukraine or “accept catastrophic defeat,” and that Britain and France are already making preparations to do so.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recently signed a new law that lowers the age of conscription in Ukraine from 27 to 25 ahead of an upcoming Russia summer offensive.

The average age of a Ukrainian soldier is now over 40 years of age, the same as Russia, underscoring how the whole conflict has been a devastating bloodbath for both sides.

Shocking videos have emerged showing mentally disabled people on the front lines of the war being mocked by other Ukrainian soldiers.

Back in December, Michael Maloof, a former Pentagon official, said that the war in Ukraine is effectively “over” because Kiev’s counter-offensive has failed and there is no appetite in America to continue funding it.

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