Is There A Plan To Conduct A Red Heifer Sacrifice In 2024?


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

All of a sudden, people all over the world are talking about the possibility that there could be a red heifer sacrifice in Israel in 2024.  Those that are Jewish are talking about the possibility of a red heifer sacrifice because many of them believe that it would be a giant step toward reinstituting their ancient sacrificial system for the first time in nearly 2,000 years. Christians are talking about the possibility of a red heifer sacrifice because many of them believe that it would be a giant step toward the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. And Muslims are talking about the possibility of a red heifer sacrifice because many of them believe that there is a plot to take over the Temple Mount and remove the Al-Aqsa mosque.  In fact, once a red heifer sacrifice actually takes place Muslims all over the globe are likely to go absolutely nuts.


In 2022, five perfect red heifers were flown into Israel from the state of Texas.

At that time, they were not old enough to be sacrificed.

But in 2024, they will be.

According to Yitshak Mamo, qualified priests have been prepared to conduct the sacrifice, the land on the Mount of Olives where the sacrifice will take place is ready, and an altar has been constructed.

CBS News recently interviewed Mamo, and in that article the white altar that has been built was described as “massive”

A massive white altar awaits, where they are to be burned on a plot of land overlooking the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. Mamo said the ceremony must be performed looking directly into where the ancient Second Temple stood, until it was destroyed by the Romans in the year 70.

I included a photo of that altar in the last article that I did about the red heifers, and I will share that photo again in this article for those that have not seen it yet…

When it finally happens, this will be just the tenth red heifer that has ever been sacrificed

Only nine heifers have been sacrificed since the time of Moses until the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D. The Rambam, Maimonides, stated that the 10th Red Heifer ceremony would bring in the Messianic age. Likewise, Evangelical Christians who hold a futurist view of bible prophecy believe a Third Temple will be built and subsequently desecrated by the Antichrist before the return of Messiah Yeshua. Thus, for many in the religious Jewish community, as well as many Evangelicals, there has been a great deal of anticipation surrounding these ‘ladies’ in red.

So when will it happen?

That is what everyone wants to know.

The red heifers must be sacrificed because they get too old, and so the clock is ticking.

When he was asked about this in early 2023, Yitshak Mamo told CBN News that a sacrifice would take place a year and a half from that time…


That would put the red heifer sacrifice in the second half of 2024.

But when he was recently asked about this by another network, Mamo indicated that a sacrifice could happen at any time

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