Was the U.S. Constitution Written to Protect “We the People” or “We the Globalists”? Were the Founding Fathers Godly Men or Servants of Satan?


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Studying history is an interesting endeavor, because the people who lived during the historical time period one studies are generally no longer alive to affirm or deny how historical events unfolded.

We are generally left with the writings that were left behind, and the authors who interpret those writings, if written materials even still exist.

It generally comes down to faith, and who you believe to be giving an accurate account of historical facts.

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When it comes to the history of the United States, and the activities of the “Founding Fathers” who drafted and wrote documents such as the Declaration of Independence in 1776, or The Constitution of the United States written more than a decade later in 1789, most public and private school educators in the United States are fairly unified in viewing this period of history very positively, as well as taking a positive view of the “Founding Fathers,” and the U.S. Constitution.

It makes perfect sense to have this kind of unified positive view so that the majority of the public in the U.S. will be agreeable to “patriotism” and the belief that the United States is the greatest nation in the world, which is then used to justify government actions such as funding the military to fight wars, and collecting taxes to fund the government.

I was brought up being taught “Conservative Christian” values, and was led to believe that the only way to view American history was from the “Christian” perspective, with the belief that the Founding Fathers were mostly Christians and “Godly men” who were escaping Europe to be able to practice “Freedom of Religion” here in America.

To study American history from any other perspective was considered “wrong”.

However, now that I am older and wiser, I like to seek out alternative views of American history to get a better understanding of the true historical facts, even if those other views of American history are considered the “minority” view.

If a person is so firm in their beliefs about things that happened in the past, then why fear reading alternative perspectives? When truth is the standard that guides us, discovering that truth and believing it should then be able to withstand other views that we believe are not based on the truth.

And if in our study of other perspectives we discover that those ideas that we have held as true, especially in regard to the founding of the United States, are actually not true, then should we not change our views?

Of course that will never happen if one is unwilling to look at the “other side,” which in my opinion is exactly what the Globalists who control the world’s financial system want us to do.

Recently I came across a book written by James A. Beard in 1914 titled: AN ECONOMIC INTERPRETATION OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES.

Beard was a professor of politics at Columbia University. Most conservatives and Christians, if they look up his bio, would probably choose not to read this book labeling it as “liberal.”

Another book I recently came across and have been reading and have found to be well-documented and well-written is Founding Fathers, Secret Societies : Freemasons, Illuminati, Rosicrucians, and the decoding of the Great Seal, written by Robert Hieronimus in 2006.

Again, if one were to look up the bio of this author, most Conservatives and Christians would probably choose not to read this one either, labeling the author as something like “New Age” and therefore discrediting everything he wrote.

I have dealt with this label of “New Age” since I started publishing on the Internet over 2 decades ago, and publishing the minority view on health and medicine, especially when I refer to older modalities of healing in things like Traditional Chinese Medicine, which has been around for over 5000 years, or Ayurveda healing from India, which has been around for over 4000 years.

Christians are taught that these modalities are “New Age” and that they need to trust in modern medicine and medical doctors instead.

But of course a body of teaching on health that is thousands of years old should certainly not be referred to as “New” anything, as the true “New Age” teaching on health is the pharmaceutical allopathic model, which has only been around since the late 19th Century.

So if you want to break out of your prejudices and “confirmation bias” ways and truly understand the world today, and especially the role that the United States plays in world events, I strongly encourage you to start reading alternative, less popular works such as these two.

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