We MUST defeat the lies of the anti-life globalist elite


by John-Henry Westen, LifeSite News:

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LifeSiteNews must stay financially strong if we are to take on globalist elites who have more wealth and power than ever before. 

It has always been David vs. Goliath, but your donations keep us on the field.  

Even considering a world without LifeSiteNews is terrifying! 


The elderly. 

The disabled. 

The mentally ill.  

You and me. 

Nobody is safe! 

In our recent emails we told you about their sick plan to depopulate the earth. 

And to carry out this evil plan, they need a tightly planned society. 

There is no other way. 

A free people will never accept that the state can decide which of their children will live and which will die.  

A free people will never allow the state to set family size or to decide how long we are allowed to live.  

This is why they must take away our freedom: to make their nightmare a reality.   

And this is what they are doing RIGHT NOW.  

This month, the U.S. Supreme Court is hearing a case which will have massive implications for our ability to speak the truth online. 

The case deals with a Supreme Court decision to halt an injunction which ordered the Biden administration to STOP its online censorship.  

It’s called Murthy v. Missouri, after U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy. 

Vivek Murthy supports the suppression of opinions that the state deems misinformation.  

And we all know that when a globalist says “misinformation,” he means “a truth I don’t like.  

The Biden administration censored truths it didn’t like on a host of controversial subjects, including the COVID-19 lockdowns, vaccine side effects, election fraud, and Hunter Biden’s laptop.  

If the Supreme Court rules the wrong wayit will be a green light for the suppression of opinions the government doesn’t like.  

And it isn’t just in America that freedom is at risk. 

In 2024 around half the world’s nations will hold elections.  

Free and fair elections give ordinary people a chance to take back control of their nations.  

This is why the globalists are determined that such elections will not happen.  

If they can’t control the narrative, they can’t keep control of power.

And that’s why a leading social media network has set up an “Election Operations Center” to “mitigate” what they call “misinformation.”  

They want to stop LifeSiteNews and other honest news organizations who are getting out the truth to voters worldwide.   

Big Tech platforms are censoring or removing accounts which THEY deem unacceptable.

LifeSiteNews has been demonetized by major Big Tech corporations for YEARS, because our pro-life, pro-family stance violating their so-called terms and conditions.  

Journalist Matt Taibbi – who exposed Twitter’s collaboration with British and American intelligence agencies – testified to the U.S. Congress last year about what he called the “Censorship-Industrial Complex.”

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