Nolte: 2024 Off to Good Start – 828 News Media Jobs Already Lost


by John Nolte, Breitbart:

According to the kind of math that should put a smile on every normal person’s face, 828 news media jobs were lost in January.

A report, published by Challenger, Gray, Christmas, and Nash (okay, I added the “Nash”), found that 528 jobs were lost in the first month of 2024:

The Media industry, which includes television, film, streaming, and News, announced 836 job cuts in January, down 24% from the 1,093 announced in the industry in December. It is up 11% from the 754 cuts announced in the same month last year.


News, which includes digital, broadcast, and print, and is tracked as a subset of Media, announced 528 layoffs in January, up 1,660% from the 30 tracked in December. It is the highest monthly total since March of 2023, when 532 cuts were recorded.

But this report does not include the 300 news media jobs exterminated on February 1 when The Messenger abruptly shuttered operations and laid everyone off:

The Messenger went through most of the $50m it had raised before launching. The news took some of the 300 reporters, many of whom had been hired from national outlets, by surprise. Some tweeted that they had found out the site was shutting down from news reports.

If you’re not smiling now, you’re either made of stone or watch Morning Joe.

But there is good news. Look at all the future computer coders! Silicon Valley can always use more cubicle slaves tapping out binary code. Of course, the first part of that job-training process will involve deprogramming the sheep out of their anti-science belief that nothing is binary.

The bad guys are losing. The villains are getting vanquished. This is glorious.

These crybullies claim the Internet is the cause of their financial woes. But they are all on the Internet. They are all competing online. It’s not as if the L.A. Times, CNN, the Washington Post, The Messenger, Vice, Sports Illustrated, BuzzFeed News and the rest were somehow at a disadvantage against the rest of us. All those fake news sites have all the same tools and opportunities. In most cases, they enjoy the advantage of having a helluva lot more money than the competition.

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