We now know who was running around behind the scenes kiboshing Jeffrey Epstein “pedo” stories…


from Revolver News:

It’s quite telling that Jeffrey Epstein, one of the most notorious sex traffickers and child predators in the US, barely got a mention in mainstream media. It seems he received the red carpet treatment, likely because he had some very rich and powerful friends, whom he was probably blackmailing. Logically, that type of influence would play a key role in keeping Epstein’s dirty laundry under wraps. And on the rare occasion that a journalist dared to discuss his perverted activities, it wouldn’t be surprising if someone like Bill Clinton stepped in, throwing around his weight until the story was kiboshed.

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Well, would it surprise you to know that court documents actually reveal that a scenario like this happened at Vanity Fair’s offices? The documents allege that Bill Clinton got a tip-off about an exposé on his buddy Jeffrey Epstein. He supposedly barged into the magazine’s offices and made threats until the story was finally pulled.

Here’s what the popular X account Libs of TikTok posted:

BREAKING: Bill Clinton allegedly stormed into the Vanity Fair office and threatened them not to write about Jeffrey Epstein’s se* trafficking operation. Vanity Fair was taking orders from Bill Clinton and helping to protect him and his pedo friends. Image from @Techno_Fog who’s doing great reporting on this.

Here’s a closeup of the image:

Meanwhile, right after the recent Epstein files hit the internet, Vanity Fair was among the first to write an article downplaying it.

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