The Derkach Factor – ‘Ground Zero’ for Biden-Burisma Corruption in Ukraine


from 21st Century Wire:

Despite the constant deflections being employed by the Democratic Party and its affiliate media, the scale and scope of Biden family corruption scandal is still growing by the dayFrom a purely political standpoint, this story has the ability to impact the current 2024 election, and could disable President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign, not to mention a severe blow to the Democratic establishment too. More crucially, it will impact the wider the Deep State – beginning with the FBI, the Justice Department, the Internal Revenue Service, and key U.S. diplomatic missions abroad – all of which are directly involved in this scandal in hiding evidence and slowing down any investigations into the current president and his son over the last five years.


As the story continues to build, journalists and politicians in the U.S. are becoming increasingly daring in confronting the Biden family’s corruption and influence peddling, as confirmed by the recent of release more documents and explosive witness testimonies. Among the the former, the emergence of still more key documents including international bank statements and incriminating correspondences gleaned from Hunter Biden’s laptop. Among the latter, are the testimonies of law enforcement officials who first accessed evidence of the Bidens’ corruption as part of their investigations, is of particular importance here.

Until recently, the Democrats had successfully used the fabricated charge of ‘election interference’ or ‘foreign influence’ by Russia, China or Ukraine in order to misdirect and fend-off inquiries into the Bidens’ dubious dealings. While this tactic may have worked during previous election cycles, it’s now becoming harder and harder to deflect all the accusations, especially after the House of Representatives passed a resolution in June which explicitly recognized there is no evidence the Trump campaign had ties to Russia. The same resolution also posits that Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA), who led the investigations and impeachment hearings for then President Donald Trump, had not only misled the American public, but “used his position and capabilities to threaten the national security of the United States” – as his Congressional colleagues noted. This means that the entire premise of Russiagate has been consigned to the growing dust heap of ‘official’ disinformation.

As a result, the subject of Joe Biden’s ties to various corruption schemes is now firmly established in the daily lexicon of American politics and mainstream media, effectively opening a path for the acceleration of two investigations by House Republicans committees. At the center of those investigations are the current U.S. President Joseph Biden (former Vice President under Barack Obama), members of his family (son Hunter Biden and brother James Biden) and his inner circle who currently occupy high positions within the White House, Department of State, as well as law enforcement agencies and diplomatic missions (in particular, Amos Hochstein, Antony Blinken, Marie Jovanovitch, George Kent, and John Kerry).

(Source: US Congress)

It should be no surprise that after being given control of the Ukraine portfolio by President Obama, that country became the epicenter of the Biden’s flourishing international corruption racket.

Despite concerted efforts by the U.S. political establishment to conceal the Bidens’ corrupt enterprise, and despite the policy of silence by the Deep State, it is becoming increasingly obvious that the key to the Bidens’ political past, present, and future – lies precisely in Ukraine.

How did this former Soviet state become the key to unlocking a puzzle of American political corruption?

Ukraine and corruption

When grappling when the issue of corruption in Ukraine, it’s impossible to ignore the sharp increase in U.S. influence on internal processes of Ukrainian governance starting in 2014. At that time, the Central European post-Soviet state, rich in natural resources and black soil, but mired in corruption, experienced a change of power as a result of one of many color revolutions that were conducted around the world with the active support of the United States. Following the Maidan protests and ouster of the democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych, a new pro-Western government was formed in the country, and an active “purification” (also called “lustration”) of the central government, judicial and law enforcement agencies began. These changes took place with U.S. taxpayer funds – money originating from U.S. State Department and transferred through an array of USAID programs. Also in accordance with the U.S. and IMF requirements, brand new “anti-corruption” bodies and courts were imposed on the country, which, as local media reported, were not even provided for in the Ukrainian Constitution. These included, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU), the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO), the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine, and the State Bureau of Investigation.

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