by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

B.W. shared this article, and I am grateful for it because we’re fast approaching the 60th anniversary of the sad murder of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas.  It’s a tragic anniversary, because in a certain way – and as I’ve argued and stated in many interviews – the country changed on that day, and dramatically for the worse. Most regular readers of this website know that what happened that day was a “regime change” operation; it was a coup d’etat by rogue elements in the deep state, a “deep event” in the sense that it was more than just a coup d’etat, but a political event designed to change the structure and fabric of the country.  The deep state which pulled off the murder (and many more after that), didn’t suddenly come into existence on that day.  It was already there, and an arguable could made that it had been there since at least the days of Woodrow Wilson, a character about whom any remarks or assessments are best left charitably unstated.

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The country certainly changed that day. Within a few months(actually, literally within days), the hideous Lyndon Johnson – who managed to avoid severe scrutiny for his activities because of the assassination – managed to begin the massive build up of American troops in Vietnam. The bodies piled up while victory eluded General Westmoreland’s forces. After four years, Johnson had had it, and refused to run for a second term as president. Robert Kennedy Sr., the president’s brother and head of the department of Justice during his brother’s administration, had tossed his hat in the ring, and after a stunning California primary victory, appeared on his way to a successful nomination of his party at Chicago, before he too was gunned down in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.  I was visiting my youngest sister at the time, and I watched that one being reported in real time too.  Anyone investigating that murder closely will be aware of the same bloodstained hands with their fingerprints all over the event. A few months earlier, Dr. King had been gunned down by another “lone nut” in Memphis, Tennessee. It is worth noting that both the King family, and Robert Kennedy Jr., have expressed their extreme doubts about the truthfulness of the government’s explanations of all these events, with RFK Jr even going so far as to state that his father’s convicted killer – Sirhan Sirhan – probably did not commit the murder, and noting that it was probably security man Thane Eugene Caesar, the only one in the Ambassador kitchen appropriately  positioned to inflict the kind of gunshot wounds that killed his father.

Since The Triple Assassinations, it’s been one scandal after another: Watergate, Iran-Contra, the Savings and Loan, Nugan Hand Bank, and  BCCI banking scandals, Waco, the Oklahoma City bombing, and of course the two World Trade Center “events”.  All of these are “deep events” as Professor Peter Dale Scott has defined the term, and all of them without exception have something in common: the appearance  of figures in the events who are also connected to Continuity of Government planning and operations.

I remember what set all this madness in motion, because when President Kennedy was murdered, I was six years old, home from school, and laying on the living room floor eating some soup my mother had made me, while she sat on the couch sewing and watching her “show,” the CBS soap opera As the World Turns.  A few minutes into the show (my memory tells me it was a few minutes after 11 AM but that may not be true… after all it was 60 years ago) the network interrupted to report that there had been an incident in Dallas and to stay tuned for further bulletins, and thus began a day of horrible announcements. We were all glued to our television sets the whole weekend.   I remember Walter Cronkite – “America’s anchorman” – reporting first that the murder weapon was a Mauser, then that was changed to a “Mannlicher-Carchanto” (he mispronounced the name).  I remember him reading a statement from the former Soviet Ambassador to the UN Security Council, Victor Zorin, the same Zorin with whom Adlai Stevenson had crossed during the Cuban Missile Crisis, who made the astute observation that President Kennedy’s security had been stripped, and that therefore, the murder was the result of a conspiracy, and by implication, those inside the government had to be involved. Cronkite, before reading Zorin’s statement, made quite a fuss over the fact that Zorin was a “Communist shill” and spokesman for the Kremlin, as if this were sufficient to dismiss the observation.  Cronkite himself was reduced to being a shill that day, and along with his network dutifully backed “the narrative” not only about the assassination but about Vietnam, until, that is, the Vietnamese “Tet offensive” of 1968 punctured a nasty hole in the theory that victory was just around the corner…. home before the leaves fall… &c &c.  There is even a documentary about that day called Evidence of Revision. I mention this documentary because its copious citation of CBS’s (and to a lesser extent, the other two major networks’) coverage was, for me, like reliving that day and watching the reports in real time all over again.

What changed that day was not the emergence of the deep state, but rather, its open proclamation of itself to the American people, and its willingness to force the public and its institutions to agree with a nonsensical narrative it – and anyone with half a brain – knew to be untrue.  It’s sort of like that narrative that one can create an entirely new injection of radically new gene therapies, redefine the word “vaccine” in dictionaries, then all but force the public to take it, while claiming masks and social distancing will protect you from the dreaded plague. The more ridiculous and outrageous the narrative, the more it is pushed. “We dare you to question the magic bullet lone nut theory the efficaciousness of mask wearing the riskiness of the entirely safe injections the soundness of the financial banking system that we didn’t build a firebreak around the compound and set it on fire there was no John Doe #2 and McVeigh was not seen still breathing after his execution by some of the witnesses present the towers were brought down by airplane fuel and an airplane did crash into the Pentagon and it was all done by Arab terrorists none of whom had any more suspicious associations.” My point is that the outlandish narrative – the “revelation of the method” – is as important a feature of the twisted thinking and modus operandi of such people as is the actual nefarious deed itself.

So along comes this story about Secret Service agent Paul Landis, who was in Dallas that day:

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