Deflation & Barter Economy Coming – Rick Ackerman


by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Analyst, financial writer and professional trader Rick Ackerman is forecasting a “deflationary end” to our debt-bloated financial system.  Ackerman contends, “I think everybody agrees we have more debt than we can ever repay.  So, it’s going to have to be repaid one way or another.  The debt has to be discharged.  Every penny of every debt has to be paid, if not by the borrower, by the lender.  Hyperinflation would let borrowers skip free. . . . The powers that be are not going to go for that.  The lenders are going to be in charge.  This is why I said all of the mortgage contracts will come to resemble leases.  This is so the lenders don’t wind up evicting 110 million Americans from their homes. . . . Things have gotten far crazier than I could have imagined a decade ago when I was forecasting a deflationary end.”


What is the big deflationary downward spiral going to look like for John Q Public?  Ackerman predicts, “On the scale I believe it has to happen, it looks like a barter economy.  We are talking about kind of a Stone Age.  There are a lot of jobs in the economy where you would be hard pressed to say what these people do.  Most people would not be able to tell you why they are worth what they are being paid.  This would be true for 98% of the people who work for Twitter. A lot of those jobs will disappear.  Imagine what you have when you have that kind of disposable cash taken out of the economy.  It has more than a ripple effect.  It has a tsunami effect.  Everything downstream collapses too.  So, I really see a state of barter. . . . Full disclosure, I said we were close to a collapse 10 years ago, but I really think we are close this time.  I think we are not further away than a stock market implosion.  This inflated stock market is a crazed animal right now that does not relate to reality, earnings or anything.  It’s always in danger of collapsing tomorrow.  As far as a precipitous deflation, it will be simultaneously with the collapse of the stock market. . . . We are at a much higher threshold than the past.  The edifice is much more fragile and precarious than it has ever been.  All we need is for the inevitable bear market to begin, and then it is game over.”

Ackerman also predicts the dollar will get stronger in the short to medium term, and its strength will be another sign of deflation.  Ackerman predicts very hard times for commercial real estate that has already started and predicts a 70% fall in residential real estate prices.  Ackerman also talks about the value of having cash.  He also recommends gold and silver as a core investment, along with food and survival strategies.  Yes, it’s going to get that bad.

Ackerman points out, “The financial mess today is so much worse than America faced in the 1920’s and 1930’s.  Ackerman says count on big deflation, and this will include how you get medical care too.  Ackerman says, “Deflation is all encompassing.”

There is much more in the 44-minute interview.

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