Is the Biden Campaign Deliberately Sabotaging Kamala Harris and the DNC?


by William Sullivan, American Thinker:

When Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi had fully brandished the political knives in July to force Joe Biden out of the presidential race, it was undoubtedly their plan to anoint a successor by way of negotiation among the Democrat establishment.  They would have thereby avoided any populist disruption that could have been caused by primary support for a hard-lined leftist like Bernie Sanders, and could have nominated a moderate with some crossover appeal in the swing states.  Then, the Democrat faithful would rally to the party banner, and the media would have fallen into lockstep in supporting their replacement.


But as we now know, Joe Biden had other plans. He proved to be the gremlin in the gears of the well-oiled DNC political machine when he announced on July 21, a Sunday afternoon, that he was both dropping out of the race and he was endorsing Kamala Harris for president.

The fact that the announcement was made on a Sunday may be a critical point to help us begin understanding the Biden campaign’s motive.  When it comes to which days of the week are most effective to send out a press release, “most experts rule out the weekend,” according to Canadian media intelligence firm, Cision. Sundays are better suited for talk shows with guests than breaking news coverage with primetime anchors, and according to Sprout Social, Sunday is the worst day of the week for social media engagement.

What this Sunday announcement may suggest is that the Biden campaign meant to blindside the party elites who wouldn’t have expected such timing for the announcement.  And that suggestion is all but proven by the fact that the Biden campaign had clearly neglected to inform Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi before he made the announcement.

Immediate evidence after the announcement certainly suggests that these three most influential Democrats weren’t informed beforehand, because none of them rushed to offer their support to Kamala Harris after Biden’s endorsement, signifying a lack of party coordination in the messaging.   As I observed in an article published on American Thinker the day after his announcement, it already seemed clear that Biden had just pulled the pin of a political grenade inside the Democrat tent.

This was merely a logical assumption at the time, but it was later proven beyond shadows of doubt when Nancy Pelosi said exactly this:

None of us had any idea he would do it that Sunday … So when he did that and endorsed [Kamala Harris], then the thought was everybody wanted an open process.  Let’s see the talent, let’s see the bench of the Democrats and let them come. And see what they can attract.  But when he endorsed her, then it was, “Are you with me or not?”  And she moved quickly.

It was a shocking admission from Nancy Pelosi.  She, Barack Obama, and Chuck Schumer must have been surprised when they had been politically outmaneuvered by Joe Biden, a man who was being forced to abdicate his position on the Democrat ticket because he was so obviously lacking in his cognitive faculties that his continuing as the nominee was an embarrassment to the party.

But the endorsement of Kamala Harris was too much for even the old guard of the DNC to stand against.  Kamala represented the next zenith in the progressive quest to supplant life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness with diversity, equity, and inclusion as the driving principles of our nation and its people.  After the Congressional Black Caucus endorsed her immediately, opposing Kamala’s immediate ascent to the nomination quickly became an act of open racism and sexism.

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