The Resurrection of Nazi Germany


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a renowned German attorney who has succeeded in holding elites accountable. He is widely appreciated by people for bringing justice to bear where it is needed.

During the years of the Covid hoax, Dr. Fuellmich organized a committee to investigate the lies about Covid and the “vaccine,” and was preparing to bring a lawsuit in behalf of those whose health and lives were lost to the “vaccine” that authorities said was “safe and effective.” This was going too far, and the ruling establishment took steps to stop him.


Possibly Washington was a participant in the plot against him. Dr. Fuellmich, who lives in Germany and in California, on his way to his California home was prevented from entering the US, and had to go to Mexico while waiting to sort out whatever the difficulty was. In Mexico he and his wife were tricked by the German embassy into going to the airport to have their passports renewed. The German government illegally kidnapped Dr. Fuellmich and flew him to Germany where he was arrested and since has spent much time in solitary confinement, which is used for the purpose of wearing down a victim’s will to resist.

All of this was done in violation of the German constitution and German law. His pre-trial detention is now double the length of pre-trial detention permitted under German law. As President George W. Bush declared, the German “justice system” has declared its right to detain a person indefinitely without trial and conviction. It seems that no government in the Western world is willing to follow a rule of law.

There was no real offense with which to charge Dr. Fuellmich. Based on false testimony by infiltrated police agents, Dr. Fuellmich’s effort to save his organization’s funds from being seized by the corrupt German government was misrepresented as fraud.

A whistleblower in the German secret services made information available to Fuellmich’s attorney that the German secret service was tasked with stopping Dr. Fuellmich at all costs and in every possible manner. The leaked document revealed that the plan was to place police agents among his collaborators who would bring false testimony against him.

During the long proceedings against Dr. Fuellmich, the judge has refused Dr. Fuellmich’s right to confront the “witnesses” against him with cross examination or even to allow them on the stand. The judge has refused the defense’s use of the evidence in its possession and has protected the fake evidence against Fuellmich from examination. Evidence is beside the point. The point is conviction of Dr. Fuellmich “at all costs.”

When the original charge fell apart despite the judge blocking evidence of innocence, the judge concocted a new charge, one completely nonsensical and said that he intended Dr. Fuellmich’s conviction.

Years ago I studied the operation of the Nazi courts in the 1930s. What is happening today to Dr. Fuellmich is worse than the misbehavior during the Hitler era. In my opinion, the Nazi courts were more honest than the court presiding over the show trial against Dr. Fuellmich.

You can acquaint yourself with the Resurrection of German Nazism here:

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