Ronald Reagan Was The Catalyst For The Democrat Cheating Machine


by Vince Coyner, American Thinker:

I would argue that, aside from 1860, 1984 was the most important election in American history. Ronald Reagan was running against Jimmy Carter’s vice president, Walter Mondale. At the end of the Carter administration, America was beleaguered, both emotionally and economically. When Reagan took office, the Iranian Hostage countdown had Americans glued to their television sets, and the combination of double-digit inflation and interest rates would knock them for a loop through the first couple of Reagan’s years.


But then Reagan’s policies began to kick in. Lower taxes, less regulation, and increased energy output put the country on a path that would generate GDP growth of 7.2% in 1984, a number not seen since 1951 and one we’ve not seen since. At the same time, Reagan’s rebuilding of the American military and his unwavering support of freedom in the face of communism made Americans feel confident on the world stage for the first time in two decades.

All of this translated into something unprecedented in American history.

In 1788 and 1792, George Washington won both elections by unanimous Electoral College votes. Following that, in 1820, James Monroe won every state and every Elector except for one.

Image: Ronald Reagan campaigning in 1984. Public domain.

From that point forward, no president ever won every state or the Electoral College by a unanimous vote. A couple came close, including FDR winning all states but two in 1936 and Nixon winning 49 states in 1972, losing one state (Massachusetts) and DC.

In 1984 Reagan equaled Nixon’s feat and won every single state other than one, Minnesota, Mondale’s home state, and DC. So, since 1968 the GOP had triumphed in 4 out of 5 elections and in only 12 years had twice won with 49 of 50 states. For Democrats, that could not stand…

They knew that if they didn’t do something, they’d find themselves in a wilderness like they’d never seen before. And do something they did. The first thing they did was to dupe Ronald Reagan into signing the 1986 Immigration and Border Control Act into law. In “exchange” for making 2.7 million illegals citizens, the Democrats (assisted by worthless Republicans led by the feckless Alan Simpson) promised to build a wall on the southern border.

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