China & Globalists at War with America – Karen Kingston


by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has been reporting on the nightmare of the CV19 mRNA nanoparticle vax.  Kingston has not had to correct or retract a single statement in nearly 3 years and 19 interviews on—NOT ONE.  Now, she is taking her research and analysis up to a new level by warning America the Chinese are engaged in high level warfare against the US to take the country down.  The Chinese have teamed up with the globalists and treasonous Americans in high places from the state house to the White House and to the board room.  Also, let’s not forget the World Economic Forum and the Bilderberg Group who met this weekend in Spain.  There is no place in America China has not infiltrated.  Kingston goes on to say, “I have written a number of articles on the nearly 600 page 2020 US/China Economic and security document, which very clearly articulates that China’s goal is to not just have countries around the world adopt their authoritarian regime, that people do not have individual human rights and your rights come from the authoritarian regime. . . . They (CCP) not only want us to accept that, but they want us to embrace it.  What does it mean not to have individual human rights?  It means you are dispensable.”


It gets worse.  There was a new national security law enacted this past March in China.  Kingston explains, “Now, Xi Jinping says China’s laws are international laws.  If you say anything that could harm Xi Jinping and the CCP’s ultimate rise to power, China has the authority to come get you.  You are not safe anywhere.  This was repeated by a former Chinese national, who is now a US citizen along with another colleague from Hong Kong . . . They gave testimony (in Congress) in the CCP House Committee in May.  They said nobody is safe from China’s regime.  The government will put out bounties on activists’ heads . . . . You can be subject to kidnappings, attacks. . . . What Xi Jinping did was he decided to become the mob boss.  There were articles just last week on the Mexican drug cartels.  China is now the preferred country and is their business partner when it comes to laundering their money as well as for the fentanyl and cocaine supplies.  China became the mob boss.”

Kingston says America is under attack from China in ways never seen before.  CV19 got so-called “Gain of Function” (to make it more deadly) accomplished in China.  The CV19 vax was largely manufactured in China and more than a dozen locations.  The CV19 vax is responsible for millions of deaths and injuries and is, in fact, a bioweapon.  The Chinese had partners around the world in the form of CEOs, heads of state and heads of state government.  These deaths and injuries are not decreasing.  It is just the opposite.  Kingston says, “The CCP is very clear about what they want to do.  They want to genetically edit and digitize all life forms, including human beings for the ‘sustainable development of human beings.’  That’s eugenics.  So, the ‘sustainable development of human beings’ means we are going to deploy genetically edited food, air, water supply, products, supplements and injections.  So, some human beings are going to live and they are going to be modified, and some are going to be exterminated.  That’s what sustainable development is.  I have been reading the China Daily News, The Global Times and a number of Chinese newspapers since 2021, and they do not make any mistake about being at war with America.  The Pentagon and Secretary of State Blinken says their defense strategy or military strategy against China is ‘invest, align, compete.’  That’s not a military strategy, that’s an investment strategy. . . . These people are working on behalf of China to destroy America because they believe humanity does not deserve democracy and does not deserve human rights. . . . This is the belief of Xi Jinping, and that is the belief of certain individuals who are leading our intelligence community. . . .”

Kingston says the 34 count Trump felony convictions that happened this past week will help dramatically wake people up to the fact we are at war and should be fighting for our freedoms before it is too late.   In closing, Kingston says, “We should be fighting this tooth and nail. . . . Xi Jinping has declared war on America and most of humanity.  He says it in his documents.  It is very, very clear.”

There is more in the 1-hour and 1-minute in-depth interview.

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