Team Apocalypse will not quit


by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

The public health bureaucrats want endless “pandemic preparedness” and (mRNA) respiratory virus “vaccines” in 100 days; all they’ve learned since 2020 is how deep taxpayer pockets can be.

The fact that public health bureaucrats and their pet science reporters are still lying about their Covid failures is maddening.

But the fact they keep pressing for more “pandemic preparedness” and risky and hyper-fast vaccine development is not merely maddening.

It’s dangerous.


Even as Dr. Anthony S. Fauci and his acolytes complain about anyone who does not bend the knee, the rest of us have no choice but to fight for the truth: Covid “mitigation” efforts were mostly useless, and “preparedness” plans may be riskier than the diseases they’re supposed to stop.

The story the bureaucrats have told us for four years is that nature gave us Covid. Then science, in the form of the mRNAs, saved us.

The reality is the opposite.

Sars-Cov-2 almost surely came out of risky lab work in China. The mRNAs were a sideshow and failed less than a year after their introduction. Only the virus’s natural evolution to Omicron – a more contagious but less virulent variant – permanently reduced Covid’s risks.

Science brought us an epidemic. Nature saved us.

No wonder the scientific and medical establishment keeps denying the overwhelming evidence for a lab leak. It knows acknowledging Sars-Cov-2 was man-made would throw its pandemic responses into question – and destroy its credibility going forward.

Instead of dealing with these unpleasant realities, health authoritarians prefer to silence them.

As always, Fauci leads the way.

Sure, Fauci quit his federal job 18 months ago, just in time to help him avoid the Republican-led Congressional committee examining Covid’s origins. But he remains the world’s foremost bureaucrat. Last week, speaking at Columbia University’s medical school commencement, he whined anew that anyone had stood up to him:

We have witnessed an alarming increase in the mischaracterization, distortion and even vilification of solid evidence-based scientific findings and of scientists themselves…

Fauci’s complaints are particularly rich given the ongoing drip of damning emails and testimony emerging from the Covid investigation committee.

One day after Fauci’s address, the committee disclosed an email in which a top Fauci aide at the National Institutes of Health, Dr. David Morens, bragged about dodging Freedom of Information Act requests for lab-leak-related emails:

I learned from our FOIA lady here how to make emails disappear after I am FOIA’d but before the search starts. So I think we are all safe. Plus I deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to Gmail.

“We are all safe.” Gee, Morens doesn’t sound suspicious at all. Nothing to see here!

(The littlest man, the biggest ego)

But the real argument is about the future, not the past.

Shortly after Fauci’s Columbia address, The New York Times ran a [paywalled] opinion piece from science writer John Barry.

Barry argued not only that Covid lockdowns made sense, but that even school closures were a good idea. His logic seemed to be that even though Covid was almost completely harmless to healthy kids, it could have been dangerous, so there!

Yes, I’m serious.

His exact words: “there was good reason to think closing schools during Covid would save many lives.”

He’s wrong, of course – and not just in hindsight.

The fact Covid was largely not dangerous to children was clear by mid-March 2020. Some countries opened schools by May, only a few weeks after closing them. Teachers unions and their Democratic political backers made the United States an outlier.

(Not hindsight. Please note date of tweet:)

Barry even argued in his piece for masks, though we have all seen firsthand that near-universal mask wearing in 2020 and early 2021 did nothing to change trends of coronavirus infection. (Further, before Covid hopelessly politicized medical research, the scientific consensus was that standard surgical masks did not slow respiratory viruses and that even higher-end N95 masks had marginal efficacy at most.)

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