Plausible Deniability Run Amok


by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:

What are the wages of rigged elections?  Invasion, inflation, taxation, and war.  But for a 2020 jiggering of state election procedures that allowed Democrats to flood battleground states with fraudulent mail-in ballots and other illegally cast votes, Americans would not today be suffering from unprecedented foreign invasion, out-of-control inflation, higher taxes, crippling regulations, or the specter of global war.  The Deep State that permanently controls the day-to-day maneuverings of the U.S. government wanted open borders, unconstrained money-printing, income confiscation at home, and empire-building abroad.  All it had to do was steal the 2020 election.


It always cracks me up when I see The New York Times or some other Deep State propaganda organ hyperventilating about how much of the population believes the 2020 election was a total farce.  Almost every article that discusses President Trump, the J6 protest for election integrity, or MAGA voters generally includes an obligatory sentence or two about how Trump supporters insist — “without evidence” — that the 2020 election was rigged.  The Times spent years pushing the Russia Hoax and pretending the 2016 election was stolen from Hillary Clinton.  Then it covered up Hunter Biden’s “laptop from Hell” in order to protect Joe Biden’s electoral prospects.  And when President Trump significantly increased his vote tallies between the ’16 and ’20 contests and won nearly every traditional bellwether county across the country by wide margins, America’s “paper of record” closed its eyes and claimed to see nothing suspicious in Biden’s mail-in-ballot “victory.”  If the Times had any residual credibility, it would acknowledge in boldface type above its front-page fold, “We Push Propaganda, Suppress Truth, and Deny Elections When Doing Otherwise Would ‘Trigger’ Our Writers and Readers.”

What the 2020 election robbery really represents is another instance of the Deep State’s favorite form of deception: plausible deniability.  Election authorities in battleground states may have violated statutory laws, mailed out numerous ballots to the same addresses, set up drop boxes in Democrat strongholds, ignored residency and signature verification requirements, made it easy for illegal aliens to vote, blocked election observers from overseeing counting operations, coordinated mysterious delays in tallying, included belatedly discovered ballots conveniently mailed without date stamps, and created the perfect system for political operatives to illicitly fill out and return large numbers of absentee ballots, but can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that vote fraud tilted the 2020 election?  Before you answer that question, you should know that the Deep State imprisons “election deniers” as “insurrectionists,” uses lawfare to bankrupt rivals in civil court, disbars lawyers for bringing election-related cases, intimidates judges from ever looking into election irregularities, pressures employers to fire employees for questioning Biden’s legitimacy, and doxxes regular people for exercising their free speech.  The Deep State can plausibly deny that the 2020 election was rigged because it specializes in censorship, cover-ups, and coercion.

When this awful chapter in American history is written as part of a cautionary tale against the destabilizing effects of rampant government corruption, an accurate heading would be “Plausible Deniability Run Amok.”  Have you ever listened to congressional testimony from former FBI director Jim Comey, former CIA director John Brennan, former director of National Intelligence James Clapper, or any of former President Obama’s other Intelligence Community weasels who conducted illegal spying operations against Donald Trump and his political allies?  They answer almost every question with some form of statement claiming to have “no recollection” of the activities that occurred under their authority.  These men obtained some of the most powerful offices in the United States, and they are perfectly happy to testify before the rest of the world that they are either too dumb to remember what they said and did in the recent past or too incompetent to know what was actually happening in their departments and agencies.  Do they feel shame at publicly presenting themselves as either doofuses or empty suits?  Of course not — because they know that their congressional inquisitors know that they are telling bald-faced lies meant to create enough “plausible deniability” to establish legal immunity for their crimes.  Consider what kind of craven and dishonorable person is comfortable hiding behind the defense, “I am too stupid to be punished.”

Oh, right, that’s the exact defense Biden’s Department of Justice used to avoid prosecuting him for having illegally possessed classified government documents in unsecured locations for the last several decades.  Even while Deep State prosecutors use the courts to manipulate the 2024 election and imprison Biden’s political opponent, those same lawfare experts have found sufficient wiggle room to spare Joe Biden similar treatment by identifying him as an “elderly man with a poor memory.”  See that, America?  Even though Trump and Biden are roughly the same age, Trump’s mental and physical robustness make him a legal target, whereas Biden’s dementia and infirmity confer general immunity.  Is that a plausible rationale for two-tiered justice?

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