How George Soros is Using Right Wing Republicans to Accomplish His Purpose in Eroding the First Amendment and Freedom of Speech


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

I am republishing an excellent article written by someone who goes by the name “BlueApples” on the ZeroHedge News site today.

BlueApples comments on the recent revelation that George Soros is a contributor of funding some of the pro-Palestinian groups on College Campuses, and how this revelation has led to outcries among the Conservative Zionists, which actually strengthens the Pro-Israel lobby with goals that are similar to the goals of Soros, which is to eliminate Free Speech and the First Amendment.



It should come as no surprise that the pro-Palestinian protests across college campuses nationwide have been exposed as another agitprop operation funded by none other than George Soros.

In the eyes of the right wing of the American political spectrum, that revelation has essentially validated their criticism that these protests are little more than a vehicle for the Cultural Marxist agenda Soros and his acolytes espouse.

However, evidence to that point has been sparse as the protests have all but entirely been consistent in their adamant opposition to the US’ support of Israel’s war in Gaza and haven’t deviated into anything like outspokenness explicitly against presidential candidate Donald Trump like previous instances of Soros-orchestrated social justice protests have.

Perhaps the hubris of the “I told you so” moment that came when Soros’ was exposed as the architect of the co-opting these protests has done exactly what the social engineer desired.

By provoking the reactionary response against these college protests, Soros has seemingly further fortified the pro-Israel lobby’s position by manipulating America’s right wing into aligning with it and in doing so exposing its hypocrisy over the issues of free speech and free assembly as a means of anti-establishment activism.

In the wake of that clearly concerted effort to police free speech to quash any defiance against the powers that be who were behind the pandemic, America’s right maligned how the Bill Of Rights had seemingly been desecrated so that the ruling elite could advance their agenda without resistance.

While they were right to hold that position, it’s taken less than 4 years to memoryhole how the political establishment executes that modus operandi.

Now, the same demographic of the electorate that previously held the rights imbued into Americans under the First Amendment as sacred has been manipulated into throwing them out the window.

In response to college protests against Israel’s war in Gaza, the mainstream American right has become the embodiment of everything they stood against in 2020 by embracing calls to deny protesters their First Amendment rights in support of the neocon axis’ self-proclaimed greatest ally: Israel.

In doing so, the political faction of the country that was supposedly against the establishment in Washington DC has been assimilated back into it.

By doing its bidding as such, the political establishment behind the deep state, permanent Washington, globalism, and whatever other supranational incarnation it takes to undermine the national sovereignty of the United States has regained control of the right.

I have put together a short video that proves this point, where Conservative Politicians pass laws or executive orders that protect the “free speech rights” of conservative college students who are usually the minority voice in most liberal colleges and universities, but then will turn around and try to restrict that same “free speech right” of any students who dare to oppose the Zionist view of modern-day Israel.

The reality is, that neither political party in the United States cares at all about the First Amendment. They just want to weaponize it to silence the voices of their political opponents.

I may not agree with everything BlueApples writes in this excellent piece, and you may not either, but look at the bigger picture here, which is “Free Speech” and the First Amendment.

How Soros’ Latest Agitprop Exposed The Hypocrisy Of The Right

ZeroHedge News

It should come as no surprise that the pro-Palestinian protests across college campuses nationwide have been exposed as another agitprop operation funded by none other than George Soros.

Just like in the last election year, the social discord manufactured by Open Society financed movements seeks to inject the masses with a dose of hysteria as election day quickly approaches.

Although it is ironic that many speculated, if not outright asserted, that Hamas itself was behind the protests when in fact it is a Jewish man in the form of Soros, it should not be unexpected he would be behind them. Since before the protests took to college campuses, Soros’ entities like the Tides Foundation had been funding protests against Israel in cities across the US.

Furthermore, many of the colleges that are the hub of the protests are beneficiaries of dark money firms financed by Soros such as Arabella Advisors. This includes Columbia University, which has become the epicenter of these protests.

In the eyes of the right wing of the American political spectrum, that revelation has essentially validated their criticism that these protests are little more than a vehicle for the Cultural Marxist agenda Soros and his acolytes espouse.

However, evidence to that point has been sparse as the protests have all but entirely been consistent in their adamant opposition to the US’ support of Israel’s war in Gaza and haven’t deviated into anything like outspokenness explicitly against presidential candidate Donald Trump like previous instances of Soros-orchestrated social justice protests have.

Perhaps the hubris of the “I told you so” moment that came when Soros’ was exposed as the architect of the co-opting these protests has done exactly what the social engineer desired.

By provoking the reactionary response against these college protests, Soros has seemingly further fortified the pro-Israel lobby’s position by manipulating America’s right wing into aligning with it and in doing so exposing its hypocrisy over the issues of free speech and free assembly as a means of anti-establishment activism.

That hypocrisy is easily highlighted by re-examining the events of 2020, the last election year Soros took to these tactics.

During the pandemic, Soros’ funding of Black Lives Matters protests across the nation highlighted the bias that the political establishment in the US had when it came to respecting the rights of free speech and free assembly.

Earlier in the year when other protesters took to venues across the country to oppose lockdowns implemented during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, their demonstrations were broken up under the pretense that the public health emergency that spawned the totalitarian dictate they were rallying against superseded their constitutional rights protecting them in doing so.

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