A Great Moment in History


by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

There are only two explanations for the stubbornness by which Anglo-American establishment globalists are doubling down on their failed policies: either they are delusional, and believe they are succeeding; or they are evil, and their goal is mass extermination, through war and Malthusian/Schachtian economic policies.  Both explanations are probably right, but the reality is that they are vulnerable, as their desperation is becoming obvious, and the Global Majority is moving against them.  Here is a link to an update from Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who provides insight into the present strategic dynamic.

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Here is the link to Kissinger’s May 1982 address to Chatham House, where he admitted to working on behalf of British interests as U.S. Secretary of State.  (I’m sorry it was not posted yesterday)

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