TransDay of Visbility It Is Then


by Kevin McCullough, Townhall:

A Trans-formational Day of Visibility!

Not going to argue here. The millions of people deeply offended by the profoundly hostile and arrogant actions of the President and Governors of several states is warranted.

If history is any teacher the Bidens will be hosting activities on the White House grounds that will range from grotesquely out of the normal, to near Satanic-like intentionally offensive spitting in the face of what today truly means.


In years past bare breasts and behinds have dotted the White House lawn, and only God Himself knows what the cameras didnt catch. 

Yes Biden attempted to crucify the meaning of today by affirming and welcoming confused individuals who desperately are in need of help and support. But instead of helping them adjust to reality, the President specifically insists on carrying out this dishonest game of pretend.

He does so knowing that science tells us in as stark detail as possible that a persons sex as defined by Natures God in the process of development in the womb, is unchangeable. And with all the surgeries, hormone blockers, and cross sex hormones that have been taken no ones DNA has ever flipped. Not once.

If Biden entertained this unloving horrifying and detrimental fantasy with the Peoples House and our tax dollars alone it would be insidious enough. But he didnt stop there.

This year the White House felt it was important enough to also purposefully exclude children and families who wished to participate in the holiday by using its historical roots of the historically documented resurrection of Jesus. So Biblical celebrations of Resurrection Sunday will be disallowed in the decorations, themes, and painted eggs for the White House lawn egg roll. 

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