The Left’s goal to build a broader revolutionary movement will not work!


by George McClellan, America Outloud:

It takes a lot of planning to coordinate a “spontaneous” demonstration on college campuses across the country with matching tents, port-a-potties, and food sources to feed and house the remnants of the ancestral green flagellate (swamp scum) now in possession of those aforementioned areas. Who’s paying for it? Already, the George Soros foundation has reared its ugly head, as has Barack Obama’s group and China, through Iran funding.


These people, by design, are tearing asunder America’s once-vaunted cohesion and greatness because they hate it. Polarized American citizens, especially the protesting numbskulls thinking they know the answer to peace in our times, have been betrayed by these dangerous anti-American sponsors of homegrown terrorism, and we do not have a government prepared even to address the problem, let alone want to face it.

At some point and soon, the hammer has to drop on all this discord on our campuses, directly calling for the elimination of the very existence of the Jewish State of Israel and the death of all Jews and their supporters while celebrating as positive forces for good, the odious, brutal and genocidal Hamas Jihadists determined to help Iran establish its version of the new world order, an Islamic Caliphate, one without Jews.

The pro-Palestine protesters include not only misguided, brainwashed American students but also real Muslims imported into America on student visas as 5th columnists. In their delusion, they claim that the State of Israel, determined to eliminate the threat to the State by destroying Hamas, is, in fact, they claim, conducting genocide against innocent Palestinians. I have an idea that may solve two problems. If Gaza is running out of its citizens by attrition, we can supply nearly 400,000 of them from surplus in Dearbornestan, Michigan, as replacements. We have to relieve the pressure somehow.

Islam is in competition with the thieves and grifters running secular Western governments. At the same time, the Chinese Communist Party loathes all religion, believes it is their destiny to rule the world because America isn’t, and provokes its own selfish Maoist interests. A docile Joe Biden has shown weakness in the face of conflict, a lack of resolve in taking action, unfaithful disrespect to our allies, and has facilitated easy penetration of our secrets while determined to prioritize DEI and change the order of natural truths that men are men and women are women allowing America to be swamped by perverts. Americans aren’t stupid and know that no ignorant politician who mandates otherwise is to be respected or believed. So, the struggle with idiocy goes on. And China waits! Do they have a chance?

I don’t think so because historically, like most other world governments dreaming of achieving the big prize, they also face a problem of declining population, corrupt military and political leadership, and a declining treasury as the commercial world looks for other avenues to create wealth. China also lacks a moral basis for its own existence. In issues of morality, truth is not prized when it is mere sentiment but only attains its full value when it’s realized in the world as a fact. Democrats, like the Chinese communists, struggle to deny this truth.

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