The Fundamental Unraveling of America


by Albin Sadar, American Thinker:

By now, it must be overwhelmingly apparent to every American citizen that what candidate Barack Obama promised on the campaign trail back in 2008 has come to pass. Obama touted a “fundamental transformation of America” if elected president and, once elected, he proceeded to accomplish that one huge goal. The question in 2024 is whether enough people want to make the effort to re-ravel America to the normal, constitutional nation she once was.

It can certainly be argued that the country experienced a slow boiling of the frog during the eight years of Obama’s presidency and that, during that period, the pot neither got to boil too long nor did the frog feel the heat intensely enough to hop out. The Democrats anointed Hillary Clinton to follow Obama to continue the unraveling of America’s constitutional republic, replacing it with their own interpretation of a “democracy.”


But, somehow, out of nowhere, a wrecking ball named Donald J. Trump collided with the original fundamental-transformation plan. That, as we all experienced, was only a temporary setback. Once the 2020 election was successfully rigged and stolen and a hand-puppet-Biden government was installed, Obama and his global handlers continued stirring and reheating the pot to the required boiling point.

As it turned out, this time around, turning up the heat also necessitated putting a lid on the pot because there was a real chance that the frog might finally catch on and attempt to jump out.

So, where are we now?

Image of our unraveled flag by AI.

The pot continues to frantically boil with the frog finally awakening to its fate—but trapped inside the pot. And the only one capable of removing the lid is that same old why-won’t-he-just-go-away-already Trump. Even with the onslaught of tactics straight out of the Jussie Smollett playbook (i.e., if you can’t find a crime, make one up) resulting in New York- and DC-style “fair” trials and verdicts, Trump continues to generate his own heat resulting in the heads of Democrats boiling—and sometimes even exploding.

What is it about Trump and, more importantly, about the movement that he has inspired? One could say that the MAGA movement is the Tea Party supercharged. The latter was pushback against Obama’s early years in office, with a large portion of the country seeing what “fundamental transformation” really means—pitting poor against rich, black against white, women against men, children against parents—and saying these are not the ideals upon which our country was founded nor for which it fought.

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