Skynet Has Arrived: Google Follows Apple, Activates Worldwide Bluetooth LE Mesh Network


by Patrick Wood, Activist Post:

Wearables: Smartphones, fitness trackers, Smartwatches, hearing aids, Apple AirTags, Ring products, etc., all use Bluetooth LE (low energy) to form an independent “mesh network” that is not based on the Internet. All these devices can receive, send, and forward data packets and instructions to other devices. Almost all IoT devices will be equipped with BLE. Thus, the INFRASTRUCTURE is complete, just waiting to sink its teeth into humanity everywhere.


Without AI running on massive computers, BLE would be a waste of time. Let me give you a simple example: CONTACT TRACING. With BLE, all other devices that you get close to can disclose frequency, length of contact, and other subsequent contacts that you make. Most BLE devices cannot be turned off, as in Apple Air-Tags. But Apple and Android Smartphones can transmit and receive BLE data even if the are turned OFF (only a Faraday bag can stop transmission.)

So, the simple concept of Contact Tracing can be implemented during a future pandemic, documenting every person you have exposed and all you have been exposed to.

Mesh networks form spontaneously and dynamically, depending on how many devices are nearby. With the latest update, Bluetooth “long-range mode,” distances over 1 kilometer is possible. Eventually, collectors on the Internet will forward packets to who requested them in the first place. Returning instructions can be dropped back into the BLE mesh network for execution and control of devices.

Worse, BLE transmissions can blasted from space thanks to systems like Elon Musk’s SpaceX mesh network of satellites. To reiterate, BLE does not depend on the Internet or Internet addressing addresses.

Bottom line: The minimal infrastructure for Skynet is now in place. This a dark day for humanity. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood

Web and mobile services try to understand the desires and goals of users by analysing how they interact with their platforms. Smartphones, for instance, capture online data from users at a large scale and low cost.

Policymakers have reacted by enforcing mechanisms to mitigate the risks inherent in tech companies storing and processing their citizens’ private information, such as health data.

Wearable devices are now becoming a more significant element in this discussion due to their ability to collect continuous data, without the wearer necessarily being aware of it. Wearables such as smart watches gather an array of measurements on your wellbeing, such as sleep patterns, activity levels and heart fitness.

Today, there are portable devices to obtain high-quality data from brain activityeye trackers, and the skin (to detect temperature and sweat). Consumers can buy small devices to measure the body’s responses that were exclusively available only to research institutions a few decades ago.

Although wearables are commercially focused on health monitoring, researchers have long envisioned capturing other kinds of data on a user. A computer that could collect useful information related to a person’s brain activity, heart and skin function, or their movement patterns would be able to understand a huge amount about the user.

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