Please Give A Hearty End Times Welcome To ‘Thermonator’, The World’s First Flamethrower-Wielding Robot Attack Dog Straight Out Of Revelation


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

While it may sound like an episode of Black Mirror, Americans can now purchase a flamethrower-wielding robot dog online from Throwflame called Thermonator.

Have you ever spent a hot, summer afternoon at a water park? I have, and it’s one of my favorite things to do. There is this curious moment that takes place after you enter into the water, right before the thundering force of the jets carry you forward. In that brief, little space, you are calm and peaceful, luxuriously basking in the cool water. Then you reach the main current and woosh!! you go at what feels like a million miles per hour. This is where we are right now with the incoming tide of AI and robot technology, in that brief little moment before the avalanche sweeps us inexorably forward into only God knows what’s coming next. TRUTH LIVES on at

The opening years of the 20th century was an overwhelming outpouring of information and global travel and exploration, exactly as Daniel had foreseen in chapter 12 of his book. In America, so many new things were being invented that we felt that nothing was out of our reach, and that we were on the verge of create a thousand year reign of peace and prosperity. Many of the Christian scholars were amillennial, secure in their thinking that we were ‘bringing in the kingdom’. Then WWI hit, and the world watch as all that technology we had just invented was now being used to wage war as never seen before in entire annals of human history. Soldiers literally went insane watching the ‘benefits of modern technology’ helping them to live a ‘better and more prosperous life’. Now here in 2024 we have flamethrower-wielding robot dogs named Thermonator here to meet all our flamethrowing needs as Hell continues to enlarge itself. Check your watch, Christian, it’s later than you think.

Meet the Thermonator: First ever flamethrowing robot dog that shoots jets of fire up to 30 feet hits US market

FROM THE DAILY MAIL UK: Ohio-based Throwflame opened sales for its ‘Thermonator’ Tuesday, selling its 37-pound quadruped machine for $9,420 that is legal in all US states except Maryland. A demonstration video shows a Thermonator creeping and jumping through a forest before torching its surroundings with a 30-foot jet of fire spewing from a flame thrower on its back. Throwflame, based in Cleveland, claims to be the oldest flamethrower manufacturer in the US.

The company released the first-ever full-sized, commercially available flamethrower in 2015, which shoots flames up to 50 feet. ‘This unregulated flamethrower sparked a significant media response relating to legality,’ Throwflame shared on its website. ‘However, flamethrowers remain federally unregulated. This means anyone can buy one without background checks or a waiting period.’

Thermonator appears to be designed like most quadruped robots but has one of Throwflame’s devices attached to its back. The robot dog boasts a variety of cameras and sensors, allowing it to autonomously move throughout its surroundings and find targets to set ablaze. The machine is remotely operated – the demonstration video shows a handler controlling it with a smartphone.

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