New CNN poll is final blow that knocks James Carville out cold…


from Revolver News:

Well, it’s official: Democrat operative James Carville has completely lost it. Sure, he’s come unglued in the past, but this meltdown is different—a whole new level we haven’t seen from him before. It’s clear what’s triggering him: his own common-sense warnings about the “preachy” left-wing shrews, Biden’s senility and old age, and the hemorrhaging of minority voters have fallen on deaf ears among the Dem leadership.


The New York Post:

Democratic strategist James Carville warned Sunday that the Democratic Party’s eroding numbers among young minority voters are “horrifying” heading into the presidential election.

“I’ve been very vocal about this,” the former Bill Clinton campaign strategist said on his “Carville’s Classroom” podcast. “It’s horrifying our numbers among younger voters, particularly younger blacks, younger Latinos … younger people of color. Particularly males.”

“We’re not shedding them, they’re leaving in droves,” he added.

Meanwhile, as Biden’s poll numbers continue to plummet, Trump, despite facing several sham indictments and a circus of a “hush money” trial, is on the rise. His message is resonating with Americans: fix the economy, secure the border, and promote world peace. And we know he’s capable—we’ve already seen Trump achieve these during his first term.

After the latest CNN poll, James Carville must realize it’s already over for Biden before it ever gets started. Let’s face it, the Democrats have thrown everything they can at President Trump—sham indictments, attempts to bankrupt his business, and a slew of other attacks. Yet, through it all, he continues to soar. This latest CNN poll is a “bloodbath” for Team Biden, delivering the final blow that has knocked James Carville off his feet. After this, the man might just need a padded room.

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