How & Why the UK, U.S., and Canada, Governments imported Nazis into Canada


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

On 25 July 1945, the new U.S. President Harry Truman decided to accept the advice from British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and especially from Truman’s personal hero, General Dwight Eisenhower, that if the U.S. Government would not ultimately take over (create the world’s first global empire to include) the entire world, then the Soviet Union would do it; and, so, Truman reversed the foreign policies of his immediate predecessor Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who had instead been planning, ever since August 1941 (even before Pearl Harbor), that if Hitler would become defeated, then a new democratic global federal democracy amongst nations must be created, a global federal republic of nations, which FDR named “the United Nations” (but which Truman ended up shaping). On that date, 25 July 1945, Truman told the Soviet Union’s leader Joseph Stalin that the U.S. Government would not recognize the legitimacy of its control over the countries that it had conquered from Hitler unless the U.S. Government is granted veto-power over the Soviet Union’s decisions regarding those Governments (both their internal and external affairs); and, in Truman’s letter that night to his wife, Bess, he even gloated over it, by saying:


Russia and Poland have gobbled up a big hunk of Germany and want Britain and us to agree. I have flatly refused. We have unalterably opposed the recognition of police governments in the Germany Axis countries. I told Stalin that until we had free access to those countries and our nationals had their property rights restored, so far as we were concerned there’d never be recognition. He seems to like it when I hit him with a hammer.

Suddenly,  the amicable relationship between the U.S. and U.S.S.R., which had prevailed throughout FDR’s three terms in office, and which had won WW2 for the Allies, and which FDR had been planning to continue afterward, ended in a crash of mutual hostility, because Stalin couldn’t accept Truman’s demand, any more than Truman would have accepted a similar demand from Stalin about the nations that America and its colonies such as the UK had conquered in Europe. Stalin (like FDR would have done if he had survived) made no such demand upon Truman or anyone else, and from that date forward Stalin recognized that unless he could change Truman’s mind on this (which never happened), the U.S. Government would be at war against the Soviet Government. It turned out to be (on the American side at least) a war not actually between capitalism versus communism (as Truman propagandized it to be) but instead between the U.S. against the entire world — to take all of it — as was made clear when U.S. President GHW Bush started, on 24 February 1990, secretly instructing his stooge leaders, such as Helmut Kohl and Francois Mitterrand, that their war against the soon-no-longer-communist Russia would secretly continue until it too becomes a part of the U.S. empire.

The current war inside Ukraine started with U.S. President Barack Obama’s coup there in 2014 but had been in preparation ever since the Truman Administration; and here is how that happened, as recounted, first, by the CIA’s historian, and then by a Canadian historian about his own country:

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